CT RA allows you too see the health/mana/buffs/debuffs of all raid members. It helps tons with healing and decursing in all raid instances.
I'm a big fan for Addons and use quite alot of them. My view is that if blizzard allows it use it. As I'm raiding BWL on a weekly (almost daily now adays) basis I have the challange to keep me in the game even if I use many addons. For a short list I use regularily:
Bibtoolbars (nice)
CTRaidAssist (essential)
Decursive (useful, but can do without.)
Gatherer (useful)
Mapnotes (useful)
EquipCompare (useful)
Selfcast (essensial)
CT* Mods (All of the CT mods that effect party/played/mobs frames)
Many of the mods I use are just there for me to not have to do repeated tasks over and over again that are booring. When the fan hits the oven no amount of UI's are going to help you, they might event stop you from performing (Except for what I call essensial UI's, I could not live without those).
From time to time some mods clash and it takes a couple of hours of fiddling to figure out which one it is and to fix the problem, but as I'm a programmer by proffesion I find it to be another fun part of this game
[QUOTE=Brynn]Now I'm looking for a Priest add-on that would show the buffs/debuffs on all party members (with timers, preferably). Is there such thing?[/QUOTE]
You could get MiniGroup which does what you want (but you'll have to hover to get the time of the buff). MiniGroup is for your party only. I think CastParty also has bufftimers shown in it if you hover the buff, 100% sure though. If you want to be able to see a whole raid, CTRaidAssist is the only option.
"Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past" And I rule the PRESENT!!
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'