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duriel is driving me nuts

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:03 am
by crazy
well.. as i said, i cannot kill this damn duriel. i am lvl 25 assassin and still its been 4 times that i have tried to kill him and get killed instead.. what should i do? and trouble is he makes me slow with his irritating cold attacks. even if i use town portal, when i return to the chamber, he heals himself. he is driving me nuts.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:18 am
by garazdawi
If you haven't gotten yourself a henchmen it would be a good time to do so :) It can help loads with Duriel. If that doesn't help just run a couple of runs more to get some exp in the arcane sanctuary and you should be abale to manage soon enough.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:41 am
by Lonelypilgrim
Duriels was pretty easy for my assassin.And i think that the big fiend kills henchmen with just one hit.Also i think that you are a very good level for the place,much better than me atleast...
Anyway,if you got a load of money,then try to gamble some better claws for yourself.If you got some skill points,then spend them on claw mastery and speed.Pointless to take some charge ups or fatal kicks.Put the charge up you want on the left side(always attack)and the normal hit on the right side (magical hit,special).That is my opininon.

And what do you mean by he heals himself?I always go and refill my potion-belt when i fight him,he doesn`t heal even a slightest scratch....
Or is it a new patch..hmmm...

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:23 am
by Dottie
If you could post some information about where you have put skill points and what weapon you are using it would be much easier to help. Without this info it is hard to tell what you are doing wrong.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:28 am
by crazy
[QUOTE=garazdawi]If you haven't gotten yourself a henchmen it would be a good time to do so :) It can help loads with Duriel. [/QUOTE]

i did exactly that and its finaly over.. thanks dude and everyone