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DS-II Afterlife...

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:33 am
by Dreez
After finished DS2 with a second party using a diffrent setup and charbuild
im now feel its time to share some of my experience from this game and its
new skills, and also compare it in some areas with DS1.

Most of the skills which you can invest points in and improve have really shown
to be usefull in most situations. Also most of the so called "Powers" are a really
nice addition to combat, and can really whipe out an entire screen of enemies
if combined correctly.
The only skill i found completely useless is alligrity on the dualwielder that
is suppose to increase your DW-Speed, but after finished the game with my
45 DW-warr, i cant say im noticing THAT much of a diffrense.

If there is one thing GpG has really messed up with , its the shops and
the aviability of diffrent weapons and armors.
I´ve gone through the game twice now and sofar i have had a hard time
finding a meleeweapon better that this blasted dagger with..42-59 or
something in dmg.
It would´ve been awsome if GpG had made a somewhat random engine in the
shops so that you could acually see the weapons and armors change
with your level and skill.
My point is this. My Halfgiant warrior was walking around killing monsters
with the same dagger that my DW-Warr was using, eventhou my halfgiant
was build for dmg and tanking.
yeah yeah...i know.. the Unike Questreward 1H Mace. But what if i dont
want to play the game 10 times and each time use the same weapons
for my warrior or ranger... GpG could´ve given us abit more to chose from.

ATM im fighting my way through Veteran with my DW-Warr and keeping
the party to 4. I tried 5 but it was to easy. Maybe if it gets abit harder
ahead, i´ll get a 5:th char. Probably a 2:nd Natural Mage 100% in Healing.

In all, im quiet happy with this game, the only thing that lowers the grade
on it is the low amount of diffrent weapons & armors (that are worth using).