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Game Problems i think

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:22 am
by tj_92
Help! my computer is doing it again im sitting their playing world of warcraft and then it will turn itself offjust instantly for no reason and i know because you can hear your computer i hear it running then it suddenly does it and then i have to turn it off at the mains a couple of times then turn it on and it will work then if i go back on world of warcraft it happens again why does it do that??

It only happens with world of warcraft happened once on counter strike i think but i had been playing world of warcraft just before i think it may be our hardware

Graphics Card: Nvidia G-Force4

GHz: 2.00

Ram: 512Mb

i know its crud but is it that or i don't know :S

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:55 pm
by vizger

should be cause they are updating the game by adding a new instance and that causes some probs i found out when my server became unstable server is malygos in US full pop PvE. if Ms goes red or yellow log out quit game come back in log in. and it should most of te time stay green after 1gr-2 it might goe red and repeat same proces :)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:39 pm
by Xandax
What temperature is your computer and graphic card running at? - Could be heating issue.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:22 am
by tj_92
I do not think is has anything to do with internet conection anymore cause its now turning off on other games rome total war, fifa 2006 demo (a Demo!)

I think it may have sonething to do with heat i dunno how to find out the temprature but ive went to look at the back once but my hand on and like got burnt! i think i should get it repaired or a new computer, but its one of those things i want to know why it does it on games and nothing else im gunna kepp my eye on the internet coneection thing guage and log out occationally to keep the heat down hopefully that will hope but also i left it at the log in stage i went to get my lunch and it did it

thanks for your input guys :D thanks again

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:29 am
by Xandax
Definnately sound like a temperature problem.
But whether or it is the CPU or graphic card which is overheating I can't say, withouth some temperature meassurements.

Try and check your settings for the graphic card (must be some control pannel installed with the drivers) and see if you can find a temperature someplace in there. Also check the software which came with your motherboard, usually there is some meassurement software with it as well.

Otherwise, try going to the producers of your card/motherboard and see if they have any downloads.

I'd say there is about a 50/50 chance that it is one or the other, so before you start getting it repaired, then try and figure out which component it is.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:54 am
by tj_92
thanks mate ill check out that stuff i tihnk i may also take out my computers drives and everything see if i can find anything there probably not but see if there is any damage som how of it on the outside but ill see if i can find the heat measuremeants thanks :D and also thanks to vizger thanks to both of you :D