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Question about your lead tank..
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:51 pm
by jilazee
I'm wondering if anyone else has the same situation as myself. Which for the moment has made the game trivial.
I started playing a few days ago and I'm still only on the first difficulty and I'm on act 3. I have 4 level 28-30 characters. This is my "problem"
Sartan(29) is my tank. He has a shield, prevoke and loads of points in damage avoidance/mitigation. He is about ~270 armour and whenever I come up against a boss or large group of mobs I can be sure as anything I can send Sartan in ALONE and he will take hardly any dmg. Even against the Act II boss he was more or less soloed it. I didn't even have to use potions. the rest of my team lay dead for most of that battle.
So is this the way it stays for every level of the game?
If so it seems stupid you could gear up 4 tanks who's combined dmg would be okish and just complete the game time and time again no skill required.
Also note I play this as an offline game I have WoW for online gaming.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:36 pm
by Dace
You could do that but against some of the melee resistant mobs later in the game and on higher settings the damage done by the mages outweighs there draw backs and makes everything go quicker. But a shield tank can solo most if not all of the game. But a shield tank and a combat mage will mage short work of all but the strongest bosses, especially if you combat mage has some good nature mage buffs and uses combat mage debuffs.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:22 pm
by pctek
Great! Can I have your save game then. Because the Archmage keeps wiping my group out.
And I have this character too. Its those nasty fireball things from the pillars - and yes, I keep bashing them but he re-activates them too quick for me.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:40 pm
by jilazee
[QUOTE=Dace]You could do that but against some of the melee resistant mobs later in the game and on higher settings the damage done by the mages outweighs there draw backs and makes everything go quicker. But a shield tank can solo most if not all of the game. But a shield tank and a combat mage will mage short work of all but the strongest bosses, especially if you combat mage has some good nature mage buffs and uses combat mage debuffs.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the response thats kinda what I figured. In which case this game isn't about skill or about using your head.. (apart from the rather simple puzzels they put in the game.) Its more about spending time grinding and running around from place to place. So the game is designed more as a time sink than requiring skill. Guess after I see the end cut scene I can lay this game to rest. Glad I didn't have to buy it.
Edit - I know I could make things harder my end by gimping my characters skills or going all pets or something. But when people design a game and a single character with a sheild and some armour can more or less lay waste to most bosses solo and indeed solo all the normal mobs it just seems a bit stupid. As it stands right now I could quite easily leave my tank standing at the act II boss walk away and know 100% that if I came back in 3 hours time he would still be standing there untouched and undamaged. Its like having a character in god mode. I've just started Act III and so far its no different to Act I/II as far as tanking goes. But maybe it will change but if your correct the whole game seems a bit of a farce.
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:05 pm
by toddhd
Glad I didn't have to buy it.
Just kinda curious about that comment - if you are on the act/level that you say you are (and you obviously are) then you aren't playing the beta/demo version of the game. How is it then that you didn't have to buy it?
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:51 pm
by jilazee
There is more than one way to acquire software. But in my case a friend gave it to me. He was bored with it and pretty much came to the same conclusion as I - It’s a little unbalanced.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:24 am
by Mr.Waesel
How come you have such low level characters in act 3?
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:32 am
by Xaine
[QUOTE=jilazee]Its more about spending time grinding and running around from place to place. So the game is designed more as a time sink than requiring skill. Guess after I see the end cut scene I can lay this game to rest.
Yep - same conclusion I came to. Was quite enjoying it at first, then eventually found that with a good tank at the helm, I even lost interest in collecting sets, as they made no difference to the game.
Once I finished on the first skill level (Mercenary?), I started a new game on the next skill level, and tried really hard to keep interest....but boredom won out ;-)
Oh well - Fable will keep me interested until Elder Scrolls IV comes out.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:56 pm
by jilazee
I was that low at the end of Act 2. I was in act 3 chapter 5 when I entered my last post and my characters were all about 37/38.
I've since found the game gets a little hard if you don't bother leveling your character in one area before moving onto the next. this has made the game a little bit more fun but only slightly. I have aquired an intrest in collecting sets thought so I might play a little bit longer.