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The Lost jewels of Soranith... HELP

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:50 am
by giannhse
Does anybody know the combination for the magical vault?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:03 am
by Mr.Waesel
From papagamer's faq on gamefaqs:

Code: Select all

spoiler, highlight to read: [color=black]
There are five obelisks in the room, each connected by channels like so 
(north orientation):

              |         |
    __________A____     |_____
   |          |    |          |
   |          |    |____      |
   |          |         |     |
   |          |         |     |
   |     _____B_________C     |
   |    |     |         |     |
   |    |     |____     D_____|
   |    |          |    |
   E____|          |____|

The channels are initially dark, they must be lit. When you click an obelisk, 
all other obelisks connected by an unlit channel start to glow. Click one of 
those obelisks and the channel lights up and the other obelisk becomes active. 
So on and so forth. Once a channel between two obelisks is lit, you can't 
"connect" those two obelisks again. The statue on the south side of the room 
resets the puzzle if you get stuck.

There's probably several solutions to this, but here's one:

D - A - C - D - B - A - E - B - C

Two doors to the south will open. In the next room get Soranith's Silver Ring 
from a treasure chest behind the west door, then go through the south door, 
down the stairs and into a more complicated light puzzle.

This time there are nine obelisks like so (north orientation):

   _____A_______________B     C_____
  |     |               |     |     |
  |     |     __________|     |     |
  |     |    |                |     |
  |     |    |     ___________|     |
  |     |    |    |                 |
  |     |    |    |                 |
  |     D    |____E___________      |
  |     |         |           |     |
  |     |         |           |     |
  |     |         |      _____F_____|
  |     |         |     |     |
  |     |         |     |     |
  |_____G_________|     |     |_____
        |               |           |
        |               |           |

Again, there are probably several solutions, here is one:

H - F - I - H - G - A - D - G - E - F - C - E - B - A[/color]