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Your Favourite Diablo II Hero('s)?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:03 am
by TheAmazingOopah
Your Favourite Diablo II Hero?

I got quite far with the Barbarian some years ago (untill the computer crashed...) and I'm now trying the game with the Necromancer on Battlenet (cool experience). Knowing only two hero's, I won't vote yet, but you can vote right ahead. Please vote three times, no more or less, even though you can vote unlimited; I couldn't set "only three times", so I had to choose unlimited.

NOTE: Some people already voted on the poll of my previous thread with the same subject. I made a little mistake there on the poll (you could only vote once there), and couldn't change it back. But with some help of a certain trusty moderator, the old posts will be send into the new thread :) .
Apologies for the inconveniences. I would appreaciate it if you could vote again. Thank you.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:01 am
by C Elegans
I've always liked the sorceress best, although the release on patch 1.10, which favoured investment in only 1 or 2 skilltrees for optimal use of synergies, made my love dimish somewhat. Pre-1.10, I used to play Barb a lot, I don't really know why I stopped. I also like the Bowazon (Amazon with a bow) a lot.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:11 am
by Dottie
My favourite is the sorceress as well, and in particular enchantresses.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:20 am
by moltovir
All of them, except paladins or druids. Necros a little more than the others.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:00 am
by Magrus
When I used to play still, I made a paladin that chewed through just about everything with no problem at all. I quit before I got past 58th level with him though. It was just vastly amusing watching everything's life drop as they approached and then crushing them like bugs.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:23 am
by telemantros
Necro's are rather fun, I like the way they look in armor, and they have some unique and fun spells. Barbs and sorc's are fun too though :D

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:12 am
by GA_Havoc
I really like the versatility of the paladin, offensive/defensive, melee/magic and with the correct build you can even make him a proper archer. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:22 am
by Lonelypilgrim
I like the necromancer most.Especially i like the bone spells combined with summons.Had a really cool one a while ago:Worm Skull on the head and Shield of the many sweet memories....

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:00 am
by C Elegans
I voted for Sorc, Amazon and Barb, although it was a close call between BArb and Assa. I enjoy playing most types of non-melee Sorcs as long as they are feasible for playing solo. I have tried single skilltree sorcs too, but whereas they are very powerful in a party, it becomes boring to stay passive and look at the merc and my playing pals when dealing with immunes. Pre 1.10 I used to build different types of tri-elementalists, but post 1.10 I have liked the Meteorb and the Frozen Orb/Chain Lightning most.

The Bowazon is another favorite. I don't enjoy the Spear- or Javazon as much, but I plan to make a hybrid Bowa/Java if I ever get time to play more Diablo. I like to build really fragile glass ladies, no vita all dex and a really good bow. Lots of speed and good damage.

For Barbs, my experience is limited, I used to play WW, Frenzy, I haven't played a Singer or a throw-Barb.

The Assa deserves a mentioning too although I didn't vote for it. It's a wonder class and I've tried many different builds. Tiger Strike/Dragon Tail is probably my favorite build.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:14 am
by Deadalready
I voted for Paladin, Barbarian and Sorceress, these three stand out as my absolute favourites and my highest level characters but I've had atleast two level 50+ of all the character classes so far.

My current favourite builds are the Ice/Lightning Sorceress, Fanatic Paladin and Whirlwinder Barbarian.

The Amazon (Bowazon and Jabazon) proves pretty fun as well.

About the only characters I don't like is the Druid and the Necromancer since they seem too passive in combat. (No one try and convince me they're good, they just aren't interesting for my play style.)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:09 pm
by Noober
It used to be Sorc, but Assassin (with Enigma :) ) is just so much more fun with all these fun combat tricks like trap-stunlocking. Ghost Sin all the way! Amazons are also pretty fun (namely Plaguezons).

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:05 am
by FireLighter
Hammerdins all the way. Had a lvl 92 on bnet with HotO Enigma all the best gear until It got hacked and stripped for beating some clans best players. After that I stopped playing and Im thinking of loading back up diablo. Besides that Id say druid in wolf form with buriza at lvl 42 (high dmg and melee with buriza while transformed :cool: ). Also Lightning sorceresses are the most fun of all sorcs I had a dueler on the account that got stripped and she killed all players 1-3 hits. (max was 56k dmg.) But like mentioned before she got stripped from hackers. Ah well, time to play single player for some kicks :D .

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:45 am
by morbidfetish

So Diablo 2 have been playing that game for so long now!!!! i love it but its starting to get boring. i have a couple of accounts with lvl 70-90 chars if any 1 wants. just comment on this msg, ne way. i love the necromancer his darkside fascinates me he summons, curses and uses bone attacks. amp dmg is a must have and bone spear!!!! 2 musts wen u r playing a necro.
i also like sorcs, they are strong chiks but take my advice, u will not have as much problems if u play a lightning sorc simply because there are not many minions that have a lightning res, but to stay safe you shouldhave a few fire moves handy(because they are strong and mighty fine)
WEN IS D3 OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:39 pm
by Kahlan
sin, necro, druid

i voted for the assassin, necromancer, and druid classes... here is my reasoning:

Assassin: where do i begin? first off assassins can master all 4 elements! whether you choose traps or MA you can get some serious elemental leniancy, add Venom for nice poison dmg and your set! If you would rather PvP, you can make a kicker.. with or without tiger strike kicker sins can be unstoppable! They are one of the highest dmg builds out there... now, BoS or Fade? either way you can stack a nice aura on top of your skills... and other Shadow Disciplines? you have your very own weapon mastery to compliment your hit% and dmg output.. If you are a PvE then CoS and Master are an absolute necessity!! the beauty is you dont have to max them! CoS is an easy 1 point wonder, while Master can be effective at any lvl (even though higher than 7 is great!)... i still havent said anything about blade traps or about Mind Blast.. i know lots of people dont share my opinion but assassins are easily my FAVORITE class!!

Necromancer: a lower resist/bone necro can easily be the most frightening thing to encounter in PvP (trap sins aside).. i have fond memories of my 1.10 that i could honestly say pwned almost any other char!! If you would rather go PvE, then a Poison/Summon Hybrid is absolutley leet... pair that build with a Call to Arms or Bramble and watch your minions get even better! all in all necromancers are a very good choice...

Druid: like the necro, druids can summon up a storm! (pun intended) not only can they summon in the absence of corpses, but Oak Sage is a great personal aura!! druids can also go melee with their ability to shapeshift into powerful animals... a good shifter druid can easily have the most life over any other class!! if you choose to go with the werewolf side of the tree you also get the zeal-type skill fury!! you can also make a very good Hurricane/Tornado druid that can PvP easily and also be great at PvE crowd control..

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:44 pm
by moltovir
On a side note: since 1.10, Lower Resist does not reduce enemies' magical resistance anymore so it'd be useless on a PvP Bonemancer ;)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:46 pm
by Kahlan
darn.. thats too bad, thx for letting me know!

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:17 pm
by Nekasrof
Druid, Assassin and Amazon are my favorite.

I got very bored with barbs and sorc's before the expansion came out, and every time I try them I end up deleting them at about level 50 (they're so boring!!!)

Spear-zons and strafezons are a ton of fun, though. With a spearzon, I managed to complete every quest (by myself) from normal through hell using only items that she found. I don't know about everyone else, but on B-net I almost always trade items among my characters and trade with other people. I was very surprised she could do it, considering spearzons are viewed as under powered, especially going on limited items. On top of that, the new patch made hell way harder, but she managed it just fine.

Anyway, I like the game to be a challenge, so I have a hard time getting into the commonly used builds.

I am very glad they fixed the bug where characters with very very fast attack speeds erranously miss. My druid was having way more trouble than he should have had (level 32 fury and Hellslayer), and I kept swearing that he was missing (as a werewolf with high dex his attack rating was insane), and after they patched it, he had no more problems.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:13 am
by Mandalorianx
druid,assassin,necro and barb.i love druid cuz they have shapeshifting(wearwolf and wearbear)and they can summon wolfs etc.they are a kinda sorc(element),necro(summon) and shapeshifter 3 in 1 :D .assassin have the trap that is very usefull and get skill in there kantana(there blades)and blade sheld.
and necro have the bes summoning ever skelet(mage),golem(fire,iron and boold) and some cool spell to like bone prison, bone speer, poison nove, etc....
barb is the coolest. cool in armor, helms wepond and have great combat skill :D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:47 am
by Craig
I chose Barbarian, Sorc and Druid. The barbarian was the second one I played as (first being Nec, which I liked but didn't love), I used Spears as they could give pleany of damage even if it was slow :p . I only played to the low-teens (in levels) as a sorc, but it was good fun. I'm playing a Druid now, and its great fun, they are complete tanks most things died in one go, w/o using Health potions!