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*SPOILER* (sorta..) how do u kill runeshapers

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 2:42 am
by sparkicks
in the last act in the zarmoths horns those runeshapers are dam so annoying they pop out of nowhere and they do serious damage towards my combat mage.its so dam annoying the only way i can kill them quick is to blow them up with powers but the only really good area of effect i have is with my combat mage... im about to kill a boss one... 8-/ or be killed
Are they weak to any type of damage? its so dam annoying... i even keep pressing h with only the best type of potions and i still die!!! someone help me :(

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:46 am
by Oblivion
Well, since Melee and Ranged sucks and the're resistant to lightning, a death/fire combat mage is the most effective character againts them. The problem is just to keep them alive. I have one melee char with shield which gives him the power to make enemies mad at and attack only him so my 3 combat mages can go in for the kill :D I also use the curse Dehydrate to give them a strong weakness to fire.