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General Question about Veteran Level

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:02 am
by eztarget
Quick general question about moving up to the next level after winning at Mercenary.

Do the items you find at the higher levels get any better? The items I'm finding as I approach the end of Mercenary level are getting pretty lame. I have so much gold I don't even bother bringing them back to town to sell anymore.

Gold has almost NO value in this game besides buying potions which you find plenty of anyhow.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:49 pm
by swcarter
The objects you find are based on the level of the enemies you kill, so all random items should get better. Fixed quest rewards won't change, though.


Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:51 pm
by nhoj68
I have found that the items are getting really good (green, some purple, and alot of set items) when I reached Act II on Veteran (level 57 for me) however, increasing your 'finding magic items' ability helps a lot. So far I am using mostly green items for my party, a lot better than most set items i have been finding. I use the gold to buy items to feed my pet, if you just started Veteran, give it awhile and you should start seeing some really cool items.