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What Characters Do You Want Back In Kotor 3? (besides Bastila)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 5:24 pm
by ngaiox
What Characters Do You Want Back In Kotor 3 Besides Bastila, Because In Kotor 1 In The Star Forge You Battle Her And You Have A Choice To Kill Her, So The People Who Did Kill Her Are Suspecting That She Is Not Coming Back.

The Characters I Want Back Are These People

Salin Forve (my Main Character In Kotor 1 And 2)
Reven(salin Forve In Kotor 1)
Carth Onasi
The Ebon Hawk(wich Is Not A Character But A Ship)
Darth Sion,darth Kreia,and Darth Nehilious

Planets I Want Back Or Planets I Want To Be In The Game

Korriban(the Dreadshed But No Longer A Sith Planet, Rebuilt With Jedi Order And Jedi Academy)
Mannan(because It Is Pretty)
Taris(rebuilt But With No Under City Or Lower City)
And Thats All.


Light Saber
Missle Launcher
Blaster Pistol
Heavy Repeating Blaster
Blaster Rifle

Thats All For The Planets Items And Characters For Me.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:13 pm
by Unbrow
bringing up the ship i would like the ebon hawk to definately be an option for a ship since i nkow it so well but id also like to see other ships and characters to go with them.

Ship option #1 (not ebon hawk)
-some twilek who actually looks strong instead of being really flimsy like the ones in kotor so far
-a couple of droids like a pair kind of like T3 and HK but could vary with the ship
-and like your mentor person
Ship option #2 (still not ebon hawk)
-merc of sorts maybe could be last af mandalorians like there was a genocide when onderon government found out about their moon operations and he was the only survivor. could be mandalore
-droids like in option 1
-new species that hasn't been intoduced in the games yet don't really care as long as it looks cool not like those guys with the big ears
Ebon Hawk
-original droids Hk and T3
-someone who followed you as a stow away and swears themself to you as an indentured servant
-and a different kind of mentor

everybody else is found throughout the game because of various choices you make or are just fated to be yours i don't know id just like to be able to have a different ship to explore by option could still be in game and its like a series of actions you take or a way you decided to get the ship i don't know as i said before so yea...