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Goblin Inventor in Secret Level

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:54 pm
by namvad
Just wondering if anyone has figured out anything about the Goblin Inventor that appears when you enter the final room in the secret level. I, like a few other people that I've spoken to, thought maybe it had something to do with the golden chalice that you find. I took it with me the last time I did the secret level, but there was no difference. Maybe you have to put the chalice down before you enter the room? I dunno... Any ideas? Anybody figured it out? Or is it just Chris Taylor pissing us off with another secret that doesn't even exist? :p Maybe it leads to a kangaroo level or something...

I hope others have more luck than me!


Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:41 pm
by ranger1
this is the room/door that I want to know about too!!! i get to it (in the 'pillow fight' room), it's got the blue barrier on it, and i can't get in (i have all 3 mysterious set items). there was somewhere on this forum someone mentioning a chant to do; i tried it, but it didn't work.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:45 pm
by namvad
How to get into the Treasure Room

You have to be wearing all the secret pieces (Bucket, Token and Book) and type "requo furtivum ixo". If anyone isn't sure how to say this, you just gotta press enter and type it, then press enter again. Good luck! And if anyone has found another use for the chalice, let me know!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:34 am
by Vanish
Oh, yep. I'd like to know about the Golden Charlie, too.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:36 pm
by crOOpy
help plz!! =)

hi there!! i'm posting this here because i'm a rookie in this forum... don´t know if it is in the correct place...
I got the gold chalice, i went to the mystirious area and in the end of it i couldn't talk to the goblin =( ... in there i saved the game but i didn´t realize that i lost the mystirous set items (buket, book and tokem)... there's anyway to get again the items so i can reach the end of the mystirious cave without starting the game in other difficult mode???
oh i'm not sure... but a think that the items found in the end of the cave have something related to the characters that represents the DS2 team because i talked to all of them before reaching the end of the cave... i would like to know it too...

tkx [[]]

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:53 am
by sdack
another interpretation

Maybe the goblin in the last room of the mysterious cave is only showing up for show. Maybe it is him who is finally stealing the three mysterious items. I do not believe that there is more to kill after you killed all evil clones. Everything there after is just for show with a few more easter eggs.

If you think doing the mysterious quest is difficult, try doing it with the german version of the game. There they translated some pieces incorrectly, which sort of "increases the difficulty level". The chant to get to the cave is spelled wrong and not just backwards.


Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:58 pm
by 74no
hi Croopy
if u don't have a backup save,all is lost on that level,u can get there only on other diff. levels...ofcourse in the same way get the bucket.token and book...

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:03 pm
by 74no
about the chalice *spoiler*

man have any of us,hard working siegers,tried to talk with the drunkman,from the kalrathian bar???(ofcourse with the chalice in his inventory :d )

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:15 pm
by Shadowz
I know when you first pick up the chalice it opens up two secret doors to the east.