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LS or DS what would you pick?
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:26 am
by marten0305
This thread was created to find out what players think about a alignment choice at character creation.
Detail: Alignment choice effects where you start off, what side your on in the war, what characters of the past are dead or alive, and possibly who your master will be.
DS - start off on a Sith inhabited planet
the Sith lord as your master
a knight of the Sith
certain characters are dead
LS - start off on a Jedi or Republic inhabited planet
padawan to a Jedi master
a knight of the Republic
all characters are alive
Of course the status could all change (except for the dead characters) during the course of the game.
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:51 am
by Darth Itchy
I think that it would be interesting to start as a Sith, then to choose redemption on the light side or simply follow the dark side and take your masters place. It's an angle that (to my knowledge) hasn't been done in a Star Wars game, and it'd be worth trying.
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:53 pm
by marten0305
It would be interesting but like i said the player should be able to make that choice themselves so everybody gets what they want and nobody complains.
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:25 pm
by Darth Itchy
You can't have it start any way you'd want it to, since you'd have to write/program an entirely different beginning for each character. You have to start in one place (be it light or dark side), then make choices from there on. Otherwise you're talking about two different games.
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:48 pm
by iNfamous999
Yep...I'm one of those annoying Grey Jedi lovers. I dont like either; charity is annoying and overrated. Killing people for no reason...well if there's no reason to do it why bother? I'm about doing what i think is right, screw the Jedi, Sith, and everyone else in the Galaxy while ur at it. They should give you more neutral choices. There's always three conversation choices; Jedi Boy Scout, Evil, and Sadistically twisted by the Darkside till ur a homicidal maniac. Where's the, "I don't want to get involved but i can give you advice if u want," or how about, "pay me credits and I'll do it." without the Darkside points? Show us some love people.
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:07 pm
by yoyopogo104
[QUOTE=Darth Itchy]I think that it would be interesting to start as a Sith, then to choose redemption on the light side or simply follow the dark side and take your masters place. It's an angle that (to my knowledge) hasn't been done in a Star Wars game, and it'd be worth trying.[/QUOTE]
well, if u think about KOTOR I, i think this has been done. if u play ds the whole game u can still choose redemption when u meet bastila at the temple by listening to ur crew's advice and taking it.
[QUOTE=Darth Itchy]You can't have it start any way you'd want it to, since you'd have to write/program an entirely different beginning for each character. You have to start in one place (be it light or dark side), then make choices from there on. Otherwise you're talking about two different games.[/QUOTE]
in both KOTOR I and II u start out neutral and then choose how to align urself with the Force, so u don't have to start as either or. its true, though, that u can't have it start exactly the way u want to. thats pretty much a given: it isn't our game to make, really.
i agree with iNfamous that there should be something for those who like to keep a foot on either side of the Force. it is kinda black-and-white as far as alignment goes. personally, i like to play in between neutral and super ls, but i do think more neutral replies should be added in KOTOR III as well as missions that involve working with/for a "neutral" organization, unlike Czerka and Exchange=bad/ds and everything else=good/ls.
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:23 pm
by Hill-Shatar
I would prefer to see what the game was based on before I would choose an alignment to follow... I remember that in both I got LS mastery, even though I enjoyed letting my tounge get to me a little in both KotORs.
well, if u think about KOTOR I, i think this has been done. if u play ds the whole game u can still choose redemption when u meet bastila at the temple by listening to ur crew's advice and taking it.
Yup, alignment can change extremely quickly in the game. Switching to the darkside may limit some of your abilities, but it does alter the course of events. So you may end up playing as one alignment all the way through and decide to fall at the very end.
I can see many people's alignment meters going like Yo-yo's. It happends quite often, especially if you are fairly neutral. These are the people who do LS stuff and still end up not staying neutral for being somewhat curt in conversation. At least, that's what happens to me.
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 1:20 am
by marten0305
Well the alignment choice is basicly just to decide who is dead or alive in KOTOR 3 because there's been alot of arguments of who should be alive and who shouldn't be.
It wouldnt be fair to darksiders if all the characters they killed would return alive as NPC's or characters.
Also it wouldnt be fair to lightsiders if the characters they kept alive (wanting to see them in future games) were are all dead and they couldnt see them no more.
The game is gonna dissapoint half the players without alignment choice.
But another idea i've heard is beable to load saved game data off KOTOR 1 and 2 but i like the alignment choice better.
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:16 pm
by sh((o))cker
I normally pick ds in both kotors, but one thing that really annoys me in the first mostly is that regardless of your alignment your always still aligned with the republic. They should make it so that if you are darkside then darkside people will approach you and ask you to join them. Something else that really annoys me is that if you walk into the jedi enclave with a red light saber nothing happens.
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:23 am
by marten0305
KOTOR 3 should have two different paths to take and the choices the player makes determines what cinematics come up and what events happen. The game should have two different cinematics for each event and situation that happens in the game.
Plainly and simply, a DS path, and a LS path.
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:35 am
by x_ray619
Yes, they should deff do that because its so boring going throughout the game over and over knowing what is going to happen. And the cinematics are 1 of my favorite things about games and I hate repeating the same 1's. It sux. So marten your right.
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:27 pm
by Fierce
Well, chance of having 2 diffrent paths at the beginning of the game is not too big, because they would have to make 2 diffrent games (storylines). Besides, it doesn't matter to me - I alway's play LS. Why? People say that they play DS to be someone else, you know, not to obey any rules, act mean and cruel, behave diffrent than in the real life. I play LS because I will never have the chance to help all those that need my help. Because how often yo got an opportunity to save the whole galaxy?
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 1:23 am
by marten0305
Well i'm glad someone's behind my idea, personally i'd love to experience different events for each situation. I would enjoy experimenting with all kinds of different combinations.
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 11:45 am
by KyLewin
[QUOTE=marten0305]KOTOR 3 should have two different paths to take and the choices the player makes determines what cinematics come up and what events happen. The game should have two different cinematics for each event and situation that happens in the game.
Plainly and simply, a DS path, and a LS path.[/QUOTE]
I've only ever played LS in Kotor II, but in the original there are a few cinematics that differ depending on your choices. The survival/death of the giant feraxian (sp?) shark on Manaan, the flight of the Ebon Hawk up to the Star Forge, the death of Vandar or the destruction of the Star Forge, and of course, the ending.
Since I assume that you are saying you would like more of this, I agree with you as well, but wouldn't mind seeing a grey set of cinematics as well.
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:28 am
by x_ray619
Gray Side Cinematics
Yea Iwould like to see some cinematics for the gray side to cuz it would make me wanna play it 3 times through instead of just the 2 times cuz I'm bored by the second through and plus if you do choose to play neutral by the end of the game you have to end up choosing between light or dark side anyway. But for the person above me that hasnt played KOTOR 2 on the dark side yet the ending cinematic won't be any better, they both sucked. The first KOTOR's cinematics were so much better.
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:13 pm
by radivoje krga
Neutral. U can do bad things ( to become more powerful , or just for fun ) and u can do a lot of good things. Depend on your emotions and the moment.
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:19 pm
by Leet
Ds and Ls
I think to choose if u wana be Ds or Ls or Neutral in the begining , whoever u r u fly to either the sith academy or Jedi Academy and join either ,and to be neutral u dont go to either somtin like that would be kool.
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:25 pm
by obrad
Well, both of them sound challenging, so I would play one time by every side. Light because I want Light Side to triumph and Dark because in no game before you could start as a Sith, be trained as a Sith or fight alongside Sith. We don't really know anything about the Sith first-hand.
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:10 pm
by Mandalorianx
think i would start as LS then later do DS
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:29 pm
by (old)Mandalore
You said it Mandalorianx! I would definately start LS and perhaps later do DS.