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Your thoughts on Jade Empire?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:37 pm
by Master Hyden
I've noticed a lack of interest on Jade Empire from most sites on the net. Apparently people really disliked the game. I was just curious as to what some of your thoughts were on Jade Empire. I was actually quite impressed with the game and really enjoyed it.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:38 am
by kesi28
LOVE IT! LOVIE IT! LOOOVE IT!!! (guess its obvious which side of the fence I'm on. ;) )

A really good game, IMO. It deserves a sequel (YOU LISTENING BIOWARE!!! :mad: )

Unfortunately, it seems to be one of those love it/hate it titles. I've heard some of the gripes against it, but they just don't hold water to me. Then again, I tend to like things the crowd doesn't. I'm wierd that way.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:00 pm
by Mandalorianx
a realy nice game.
i just love the fighting in this game, its just so cool.
and i love all the styles you can get.
what i did'nt like was that you couldent wear other cloths, just the original.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:59 pm
by Dire Wolf9
I believe that it's a totally awesome game. It had a great storyline, and the fighting was superb. To some people, the long cutscenes and conversation were the parts that made them dislike it. I believe that it was a nice way to explain the story. It was like an interactive movie. I was dissapointed that it ended so soon. I'd like it to be longer. It was however very fun, and I'd love a sequel.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:04 pm
by sam_fisher_13
i agree, it was like a movie, it actually would make a good one. but yea, way to short, they definatley had to extend it or at least say 'to be continued'

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 8:20 am
by Magelord648
I think it is ok. It can get kinda repetative.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:30 pm
by stanolis

ok, it's been several months since i played but what i remember is...
i did like the fighting styles, but it still felt like a button masher. as a matter of fact i think i wore out a button. they probably should have had less fighting styles and made them more balanced and focused.
i like bringing the npcs with me, and they didn't actually have to fight. i thought it was pretty pointless to bring certain characters.
i thought the levels between loading screens were small. i don't want a graphically pathetic game, but i really don't need the wind blowing through the grass, etc.
getting kinda sick of he light/dark-good/bad type games. they never have neutral.
i cannot give an opinion on the length of the game as i haven't finished it.

it just didn't feel original or fresh.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 4:00 pm
by TonyMontana1638
I thought it was alright. The storyline I found engrossing as was the actual world itself, though I would've appreciated more freedom and side-quests. The fighting styles I found stupid: just button-mashing. As a whole it was a solid 20 hours of my life but nothing epic.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:01 pm
by D-Fens
To quote Comic Book Guy: Best game ever. Well, maybe not, but most certainly in the top 10. It was a little lacking in the side quest department, but everything else was just great.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:41 pm
by Obi-Wan-Evan
I actually enjoyed the game even though I thought I was gunna hate it. Though the replay value isnt very high.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:59 pm
by Xerak
Thoughts on Jade Empire

My thought son Jade Empire…

Liked the game a lot.

One thing I did find annoying, it was pretty linear. When playing KOTR, at a certain point you can do the various missions in a variety of orders. However in JE once you finished with a place it was basically move on and don’t look back. I mean one could return to Tien Landing from the Imperial city but what would be the point.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:11 pm
by Babytank
One of the best RPG's EVER! I love it. After playing Kotor 2 I jumped on the Bioware bangwagon and would buy any game they made. I got the Limited edition version, I played it through twice as a man and woman. The art and music was amazing, just FANTASTIC!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 12:37 am
by Blewz
Jaded Thoughts;

I have played through "Jade Empire" more then once now and have to say that I enjoyed it. Heck, I even like the "Space Invadere/Galaxian" shooter.

If I have any complaints they would be that it felt like it ended to fast, and that a bit more randomness to the players choices would have boosted the replay value for me. I had also thought that I'd be able to unlock and use my NPC companion charaters as playables, or even in a two player co-op of *gasp* in an arena fighting level.

But, I stand by BioWare and have never regreted purchasing any of they're games.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:17 am
by TLC is my drug
The game's fun to play,but it is much too short and there isn't enough freedom(like there is in Fable). But still, it's worth playing

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 3:35 am
by DesR85
Can't wait to play Jade Empire on the PC


I've heard of Jade Empire since the begining of last year and it looked great. Didn't play the XBOX version because I don't have an XBOX but the martial arts and swordfighting combat looks kinda cool. Reminds me of Fable's combat system, slightly.

Since its coming out for the PC, I can't wait to get my hands on this game. As for the looks, the game looks like it'll run on my PC fine, though I hope that they make the game as stable as possible and not be filled with frame rate issues.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:37 pm
by superbob263
I think it is a sub par game end thats all I have to say about that.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:00 am
by Zefie
Just yesterday I relized it's a much better game than I relized :D
There are a lot of things I didn't relize and I've played it three times! :o
But, none the less, a really good game. Unfortuanatly, it's too short :(

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:21 am
by Masquerade_007
Who dares callenge me?

Can't believe that someone would dislike Jade Empire. I've played a lot of great games and Jade was just the perfect game for me. I'm not even a fan of martial arts games. And the twist people!! The twist blew my mind, I thought it surpassed the twist we got in KotOR 1! I was dumbfounded, dumbfounded! I know I'm totally preaching about this game but, it's just so hard for me to fathom that some would diss this game. The graphics were amazing, the soundtrack is perfection, the followers were interesting, the storyline fufilling... I just.... need to take a breath. *Phew* However, I do agree when someone said the game could get repetitive, I don't think Jade Empire would be a game you could play over, and over, like tons of rpgs. I also know that the combat wasn't very difficult (thats just how me likes it!!) even with the difficulty raised it wasn't too hard. Also, bioware claimed to be saving a lot of material for Jade 2... do I see a second one? Noooooo. I was completly upset with how short this game was. The second time I beat it it took me about a day and a half. I never wanted it to end *sniff*

...Well I wrote a lot, seemed like a successful rant!! Woop Jade Empire! :D

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:57 am
by FredrikNo1
i loved this game, fun combat, great graphics and very balanced.
Nice story, whats not to like?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:25 pm
by Mephisto

I thought Jade Empire was and still is an amazing game
in a way after doing 3 characters you feel like doing all of 'em!
I like it for the following things:
good training system
easy to level up - health chi and focus then points to techniques
you can propaly romance followers for once
extremely good scenery
best story in a game i have seen for years - excellent bioware
i love the characters deaths hand , Master Li , Prince Kin
I like the way Prince Kin was imbued into Deaths hands armor.
Cool but slightly annoying mini game with flyer.

there is many more which i could think off
