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version 1.12 "Damnit Patch"

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:31 am
by Deadalready
We all know how Blizzard takes sadistic pleasure in rebalancing, changing, removing, adding things that just make us question their sanity (or want to inflict pain on puppies).

So here's a thread with a little light hearted parody of the next Blizzard patch. Feel free to add your own adjustments that could be included in the next patch.


Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
1.12 Version Fix Patch

Adjusted Hell Mode Monsters to do WTF - OMFG damage
Reduced chances of hireling survivability
Increased intelligence of monsters in hell mode
Decreased intelligence of hirelings
Added items that will never spawn
Increased stamina potion drops

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:44 am
by Siberys
*Fixed bugs where you gain anything off of a quadriped.
*Deleted Synergies.
*Decreased Stash Size.
*Added Karaoke to most of the music.
*Added a new act. Cannot attack, cast spells, use skills, or items in this area. Filled it with the Respawning if Diablo and Mephisto, into Uber Styles.
*Deleted Secret Cow Level
*Made all weapons two handed until the character gains a strength of 175.
*Added in 300 Low Level Runewords
*Deleted Sockets in weapons.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:07 pm
by Grimar
-made it so that when you use multishot etc with amazon, you will use as many arrows as you shoot.

-removed the bug which made auras affect all allies, instead of just you.

-the xp shrine is now removed.

-inventory space is decreased

-gold is a part of the inventory (as in diablo 1)

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:54 am
by Ciba_Blue
D2 Patch

- 68% of gold deposited in your stash is donated to people who ask for free stuff.
- Cow level is replaced by 33 uber diablo spawns right next to each other.
-Your items drop when you die... including your inventory (all of it)
-Added extreme hardXcore mode, if a monster inflicts any phys. dmg, automatic death, char deleted, NO RE. :/

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:56 am
by Ciba_Blue
D2 Patch

Oh yeah I almost forgot..
-Added a Deckard Cain/Warriv/Akara dance dance revolution minigame...

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:03 pm
by Deadalready
*Added cube formula to transmute three high grade potions into 1 lower one.
*Fixed bug where carryinng a Zod rune in inventory caused one to stop finding runes.
*Removed experience loss in nightmare and hell.