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Hotkeys not working

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:44 am
by khcoupon

hoffe jemand weiss einen Rat.

Meine Hotkeys F1-F8 funktionieren nicht. Ich war in Options und da steht
In den 3 Spalten
Skill 1 ..... F1 ..... None (englishce Version)

Wenn ich zu den Skills gehe und die F Tasten zu druecken waehrend ich ueber dem Skill bin funktioniert auch nicht.

Hat jemand eine Idee?

I see that a lot of english speaking people are on this board so here it is in english:

I cannot get my hotkeys to work.
When I am over the skill with my mouse and press the F keys it wont work. The options show:
Skill 1 .... F1 ..... None

How do I get them to work????

Thanks so much for zour help


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:14 am
by moltovir
When you press Esc, click "options" and go to "controls". There, assign the keys you want to use to skill 1, skill 2, ... etc. Go back to the game, press the active skill button, hover your mouse over a skill and then press the key you want to use. If it works, the key you pressed should appear in a corner of the skill icon.

Your post is not in conflict with the language rule since you've provided an accurate translation, but I had to translate the topic's title since most people here don't speak german.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:24 pm
by FireLighter

Do you have a wireless keyboard or mouse? I found that when I played with mine I had to roll back the drivers in order for them to work. Hope that helps!


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:44 am
by Ciba_Blue

I'm pretty sure molt solved it, I too didn't know that after you assigned the hotkey you had to go to your skills and hit the key you wanted for a macro. I just got a new 8 button mouse which makes skill switching amazingly easy lol, thanks molt.