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Un id'd items
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:49 am
by Ciba_Blue
Yesterday while trading off a lem, I was offered a wizardspike, a couple runes, and two un id'd armors, one was splint mail that looked like skulders, and the other was a belt that could have been a nosferatus. I'm not an idiot, but I also knew that someone wouldn't trade a skulders, wiz spike, and a nosferatus for a lem lol so I asked him to id the two. His response was "I have low mf and if someone with higher mf id'd them they will be higher items," so, I laughed at him, and had him id them.. They turned out being two worthless uniques, and i'm almost positive the amount of mf you have doesn't affect the item that initially dropped when you id it, am I wrong?
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:41 am
by C Elegans
You are completely right, MF or any other character features has no effect whatsoever on ID:ing items. The mods of the item is already decided the moment the item drop from a monster.
Regarding unique items, there should be only one of each item type. so for instance a Skullder's is a unique Russet armour whereas the unique normal item with the same graphics, Splint mail, is Iceblink. Without ID:ing the armour, you see directly if it's a Splint mail or a Russet armour, so there is no doubt whether it's an Iceblink or a Skullder's.
Previously, it was believed that un-ID:ed items meant lower risk of duped items.
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:40 am
by Ciba_Blue
Alright thanks, that's what I thought. I've heard both sides to the un id'd saga lol, but it just didn't seem logical that an item could drop, but somehow end up being a different item after id'ing it. Gracias for your feedback elegans =)