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Bowazon build
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:46 am
by Ciba_Blue
Since I have a new accnt, and only one char on it, I figured i'd make a bowazon. Is a strafezon the cookie cutter build for this type of char, or does anyone know a different build? I just got a lycanders aim bow, and I might as well put it to use, any links or input on making one would be awesome.
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:07 am
by DaveO
From what I remember about the Strafe ability, it could miss monsters unless they were packed into a group. Then there is also the 'strafe lock' issue where the Amazon can't move while using the skill. Most Amazon builds use Multi Shot since it's a fire-and-forget skill. You could check out for a lot of information concerning different builds with different bows.
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:13 pm
by FireLighter
If your bow has very fast attack speed, its ok to use strafe, if its slow or normal like buriza, use multishot or you will be surrounded quickly and owned. You should also get either freezing arrow or immolation (whichever is the highest of these elemental arrows perspective element, maybe a point in both) and one or two in magic arrow so as to be able to hit/kill any kind of monster.
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:05 pm
by C Elegans
The Strafezon is indeed the cookie cutter build now, it's a build with a lot of killing speed providing you find a good bow. A good bow does not mean a bow that is very difficult to find - many Strafeazons use Witchwild string.
Strafelock is not a problem in PvM, you are released from the lock as soon as you get hit and you should anyway not be so close to monster packs so you get hit. I like to build my Strafezons like [url=""]this[/url], but there are other options as well.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:58 am
by Ciba_Blue
Instead of using a WF, would a lycanders aim be sufficient? It has the ED, and IAS, or is WF purely for the knockback?
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:08 am
by moltovir
An upgraded Lycander's Aim is certainly a viable end-game weapon for a strafezon, but if had one, I'd put it on a Freezeazon. +4 bow skills and 9% mana leech is just too good to let go

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:40 am
by Ciba_Blue
Alright lol, so if I were to make a freezeazon, how does it compare to a strafezon, and what would be items, stats, and skills for it?
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:57 pm
by FireLighter
Max the last cold arrow skill (think its caleld freezing arrow) and syns. Put a good 12ish in valkyrie for a tank. Put as many as possible in critical strike and the dodge skills. You may want a few in guided arrow for the cold immune as well.
Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:15 pm
by moltovir
First of all, don't ever put more than 1 points in Ice Arrow. For 20 points, the only thing you get is +2 seconds freeze time on FA, which can easily be gotten elsewhere (cold charms come to mind). Standard Freezeazon build looks like this, but ofcourse your mileage may vary:
20 in Cold Arrow
20 in Freezing Arrow
6 points after +skills in Strafe, both as a CI solution and to refill your mana/life ball after an FA volley
1 in Decoy, use this extensively to herd monsters
17 in Valkyrie, also after +skills.
Either enough points (after +skills) in pierce to get 66% if you plan on using Razortail, or a bit more, say level 15, if you're going to use another belt.
Critical Strike is of less importance to this build because your main source of damage is elemental, but 3-4 points never hurt.
If you want to leech with FA's physical part you'll need to do a to-hit check, so if you ever find yourself with spare skill points put some in Penetrate.
FA zons generally have very good crowd control (freeze, valk, decoy, merc) so 1-2 points in Dodge/Avoid/Evade should be all you'll ever need.
Don't waste any points in the Fire part of the Bow and Crossbow skills, they were immensly nerfed in the 1.10 patch.
Spare points should go in Valk, Decoy, Pierce or Critical Strike (in that order)
Here are some quite affordable equipment suggestions, the aim of the equipment is to provide good resists, decent +skills, and lots of added cold duration for FA:
Bow: Lycander's Aim
Helm: Rockstopper, Valkyrie Wing, Crown of Thieves, Shako, ...
Armour: Lionheart, Smoke
Belt: Razortail
Gloves: Mavina's, for the cold duration. Another good option is rare gloves with +2 bow skills, IAS, and mana or life leech. Try to craft some Hitpower or Blood gloves.
Boots: Natalya's, Sandstorm Treks, War Travelers, ...
Rings: Raven Frost, rare rings with leech, Bul Kathos if you can afford one
Amulet: Eye of Etlich with long cold duration (ranges from 2 to 10 seconds, test it in normal difficulty)
Charms: Zon torch, perhaps 1 or 2 Bow skillers, lots of cold damage small charms. Every cold small charm adds 0,25 seconds of cold duration (in hell difficulty) to FA, try to have at least 8 of them. Damage on those doesn't matter.
Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:16 pm
by C Elegans
@Ciba: You can indeed play a Strafezon with a Lycander's. My lvl 80+ Strafezon currently has a Magewrath I think and she survives just fine

(I haven't found a WF yet on this ladder, and I doubt I will since I don't have the time to play much...)
@Moltovir: Would you mind archiving this in the Character Build's thread?
Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 9:00 pm
by Ciba_Blue
Thanks elegans, I started it today, hit lvl 15, I decided on pure strafer with cs and pierce =D.
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:46 am
by moltovir
@CE: at the moment I don't consider it good enough to put it in the thread, but I'll add a few bits and pieces and post it when it's a bit better