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The Temple of Xeria

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:12 am
by BlackkDragon

Hello. I'm currently attempting to kill the 3-headed dragon in the Temple of Xeria. All the "walk-thrus" that I've viewed have given scant;at best,information on exactly how to get by this creature. My party consists of my lvl 22 sorc(combat),Lothar (lvl 22 Knight),and my pet(lvl 22 sharpshooter-Scorpion) at this time. The creature has 9000 hit points to start that;thanks be to :mad: Valduis :mad: gets renewed everytime that it hits around 4500. So,currently I'm unable to get past this SMALL PROBLEM :) . Is there anyone who can help me out on this issue as how to defeat this creature?. Also,is there a certain level/skill(s) requirement for accomplishing this task?. Any help is greatly appriciated.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:39 pm
by Shagsbeard
The central head is the guy healing people... get to him first and keep hitting him. Look to the text that is displayed and you'll see "So and So heals Such and Such..." You've got to take out the healing head first, or the fight can be really agravating.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:52 am
by BlackkDragon

Thank you for not only your response but the information as well. Now,do you have any suggestions on exactly how that result is achieved?. I've tried many,many times to do just that,but always with same results {death}. I can't keep them alive long enough to accomplish the task and can only get the health bar down about half way before he/it heals. Perhaps my level 22's are too weak?. What skills/attributes/level(s) did you use to accomplish this task in your game?.
I await your;or anyone elses response in this matter. Thank you again.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:31 am
by debra56
Dragon in Temple

It was a while ago that I beat that three headed monster.
Try having some drown in your autospell spots and use some creature spells to help out. I wasn't any stronger at that point in the game. just make sure you have lots of health and mana.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 12:56 pm
by simi
I didn't have too much trouble with this guy when I got to him..He was really annoying though..I had 2 main fighters, plus a nature mage (set for healing).. I ran in and used all my powers to hit the middle guy until he died, then I ran away to heal..Did this for the other two also..Finally I got them all..Hopefully you will get it..Just keep pinging away at the middle head and the rest will follow.


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:52 pm
by Killer Koala
For one, did you know you can get a 4th party member to join your party? I recommend Taar - the Nature Mage who told you about the plague and told you to go to the Elven Shrine. Otherwise, keep hitting 'H' during the battle to quickly heal your party.

Last time I remember going through the snake, I killed the right one first, then the center, then the left side. If you attack left first, he'll keep healing himself. Also keep your team in Mirror mode so you attack one head at a time. That'll make it easier.