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Mysterious enemy
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:57 pm
by shadowsword
OK, so There I am in Act 2 of DS2 going north out of aman'lu and I come across this named canoneer mob (sorry, mob=enemies in everquest). now once I kill this guy a strange mob pops with a glowing bluish targeting circle around it and every time I hit it it drops an item each time. When I hovered over the mob the name given was ??? or something close to that. What I want to know is if anyone else came across this before and what if anything you can do to respawn it or anything else that is helpful. Thanks
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:29 pm
by Ashen
The mysterious quest, that's what you ran into. If you want check it out here, in this site's walkthrough: ... squest.php
As soon as you see it, hit it as hard as you can, using powers preferably. It will drop things, or if you don't steal yours. It appears when you get a really good item, but very rarely.
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:42 pm
by Kenrenk
It seems I don't need kill it to have it drop stuff. I recently opened a stuff with a mercenary party level 12 and it apeared, it stole probably an item but not more then I used mirror and tried kill it. I did to it very few damages and it disapeared and dropped a lot of light blue stuff and it hadn't take a unique and a set item droped by the chest.
I think it need to be killed only to get the mysterious object not for getting stuff drop from it.
Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:00 am
by Ashen
You *can't* kill it all throughout the game, not before Act III and that last fight. Just pound him with all you've got and you'll get some nice things.