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Story Ideas

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:50 pm
by MexicanSeafood
I was wonder what story ideas you people had here's mine:

I've had enough of this <Do not avoid the filter-Hill-Shatar> about every main star wars character being special in some way. He should start out as some average dude. Here's my idea:

The main character is just a smuggler or pirate or something. He finds an abandoned-looking ship on the outer rim. He enters it looking for loot and finds a corpse lying on the floor in the cockpit. As he approaches it, he has a vision. In it, the corpse speaks to him. It reveals that it is Revan. It then says that he was ambushed by a group while in the unknown regions and was at the point of death when he used the force to keep himself alive. His body is slowly wasting away and he needs an ancient sith ritual to restore him. The only way to learn of the ritual is to search for information in the unknown region. About a third of the way into the game, it is discovered and Revan is revived. Revan then reveals that the exile was the one who had fought him. He wants to go after the exile, but he knows he's not powerful enough alone. He takes you to the Jedit Temple on Dantooine to train you so that you can help him stop the exile from taking over the galaxy. After a few small missions, Revan decides you are ready. You chase the exile across numerous worlds, finally ending in an encounter on Korriban. The player gets locked out of the room (like obi wan on episode 1). When the doors open again, revan and the exile are both dead and a new uber sith who followed the exile from the unknown regions and has decided to take control of the steadily growing sith empire. He offers foir you to join him. if you deny, the player narrowly escapes and the rest of the game is spent trying to thwart his plans and ends in a confrontation for the fate of the galaxy. If you do join the sith, you have to help him execute his plans, but in the end you still have to fight him because he does not trust you. In the end cutscene, the jedi order is restored somehow.

I accidentally left this part out:
When the Exile went to the unknown regions he changed like Revan did (before KoTOR 1).

I know it's a pretty stupid idea, but with some thought, it could work.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:49 pm
by Xerak
Rebuild the Jedi Knights

That is what a KOTOR III plot line should revolve around. The Exile has trained the next generation of Jedi, Now they need to establish the order again and create some credibility in it. This is where the PC comes in. One of the new recruits fresh from training with a mission that will help to rebuild credibility in the order, maybe find Revan (who knows where that would lead)!

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:18 am
by Greg.
There are many storylines in the '[url=""]What I want in KotORIII[/url]' thread...

Post them there...

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:33 pm
by Fierce
Yeah, I'm supprised this thread is still opened, I was certain Hill-Shatar would lock it down.

I would've if I had been here that day. It's closed down now. However, due to the amount of people with storylines, perhaps a more permanent thread should be created. - Hill-Shatar

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:09 am
by Darth Nero
i accidentaly put this in another post

before the mandalorian wars A pregnant female(you choose the race) is on board her ship. she is a powerful warrior of the force. she has never been trained by either sith or jedi. how she learned the ways of the force are unknown. she is incredibly ill because her pregnancy is going wrong. she has a force bond with her baby(you) inside her whom. her ship is then pulled in by a sith warship. she is taken into their custody. they sense the strong connection to the force that the child has and they wish to have the young force sensitive child under their power and influence. they assist the pregnancy and take the mother into another shuttle and take off. the child some how senses what is taking places and attacks. the child uses an unknown technique that kills all the sith on board the ship. the ship crashes on courasant. the authorities immediately board the ship in search of survivors. they find hundreds of dead sith and the one surviving child. the jedi realize that the child is extremely strong in the force. they decide it is young enough to train. it goes through a cinema like the one in kotor 1. it shows the young suspect training. you are now a young adult padawan. you are given a master and are cleared to begin missions. your master and you fight through a few missions. i one of the missions you are attacked by sith assassins. you fight your way through them. then a spirit of a dark lord of the sith appears before you and kills your master in seconds then disappears in a cloud of smoke. the planet is then attacked by a sith warship similar to the one malak had in kotor 1. you find a rusty freighter(the ebon hawk). then you hear a voice as someone runs up to you. he says “come on we haven't got much time“. you take off. you engage part of the sith fleet again. you barley shake them off but your ship is damaged. you land on a small colony like planet for parts. you come across an older man who says that courasant has been mysteriously evacuated. you realize that there is nobody to teach you in the ways of the force now. the old man tells you that he could teach you the ways of the force. through out the game he teaches you new powers and tells you a lot of stories. you find another party member and the parts and leave. in order to avoid the sith fleet you stop on a near bye planet. it is a black market like planet. it is ruled by a greedy king. the planet is filled with mercs, gambling and bounty hunters. it would not be uncommon to see echani, mandalorians, sith soldiers, iradorians and even some dark jedi. the dark jedi do not have any alliances to anyone. they are pretty much just force users who use the force for cruel fun and gaining money. the king hold very few rules or laws for the mercs. they swear loyalty to him and in return he grants them these freedoms. there is a great deal of corruption and cruelty in this planet. it is a good place to gain some dark/ light point and credits. as you fight through the obstacles on this planet you get the kings attention. he sends some assassins after you to kill you/test you. eventually you appear before him. right away you can sense he has the power of a dark jedi master. he tells you that him and his thousands of mercs have great power in his over arrogant opinion. he is going to begin invasions of other planets to increse his military power and economic surplus. he offers you an alliance. if you accept you will help him in taking over a planet. if you decline you are arrested and put on board his shuttle. if you are arrested then you will escape and fight through his armies. if you join him then you will fight along side him and his forces of mercs and dark jedi. after the battle your mentor pulls you aside. he tells you of the threat of the true sith. they are hungry and wish to kill you, the jedi, fake sith and take the galaxy over for themselves. he tells you that they are so great in numbers that they appear invincible. there are many factions of the sith and not just the ones masquerading around in warships with machines. he says there are some that just drain all life and some that are gods with lightsabres. after they are through with there conquest to take over the galaxy they will probably even turn on themselves. there will be little left of the galaxy. he tells you that reven and the exile have ventured into the unknown region to find some keys to stopping this threat. in order to stop them from taking the galaxy over with their power unchecked you will have to follow reven and the exile's tracks. you will also need armies and allies of thousands. if you helped the king take over the planet then his armies will join you. if you killed him for evil you can take his army over for yourself. if you killed him to save the planet you can get the support of the planets armies. now you have to voyage out to other planets and try to gain more armies, party members and weapons. on every planet you visit you will be in search of allies against the true sith. along the way you find out more about the true sith and there origins. you find out about all the dark lords of the sith on korriban. you discover how they have the ability to return to power even after there death. the dark side is stronger then ever waging war with machines, assassins, dark jedi, and many sith lords. even some of the spirits of the dark lords of the sith are returning because they can sense the opportunity for the extinction of all jedi. you decide the outcome of the battle at the end of all things. after the true sith are defeated you can go into exile, join the counsle as a jedi master and contiue to help others or become the strongest sithlord to ever be seen in the galaxy. either way you should be able to contiue playing after the game is beaten. that would make it awsome.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:15 pm
by Hill-Shatar
This thread has been closed. A new thread made specifically for stroylines will be created soon. Thanks for your patience. :)