??? quest question
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 2:20 pm
Possible Spoiler I Think
OK, so I have read all the threads including the one Vamp posted his dilemna where he couldn't get thru the door after the evil companions.
Well I am there now and didn't have much trouble with them on vet level. So now I am standing at the door and there is nothing on the ground to look at to get any idea as someone else posted (forgot name of poster, the site is running real slow right now or I would honor u with a name). The requo furtivum ixo chant does nothing and ihave my people equipped with mysterious quest items which I have two sets of by the way. So what now?
Oh, i have 2 rings 35% each(serendipitous rings), dwarven lords full set 15%, forgotten set 40% for a total of 125% chance to find magic items and they were very easy to get these, but the lil monkey only popped only 5 times so far. These are on my sartan Furious Tempest duel wielding tank which usually gets the last kill shot.
Oh yeah, a lil hint on killing the evil companions, have ice elemental, mythrilhorn, lothar, taar and my toon(ranger), taar heals, mythrilhorn i jsut kept hittin enrage and letting them beat on him while clicking freeze aura on ice elemental, and using circle of frost from taar and hitting elemental rage on lothar and using charged shot on my toon went pretty smooth really. I only ported out once to get more potions and the last part i had 4 evil dudes on me. just a tactics idea for ya all.
Possible Spoiler I Think
OK, so I have read all the threads including the one Vamp posted his dilemna where he couldn't get thru the door after the evil companions.
Well I am there now and didn't have much trouble with them on vet level. So now I am standing at the door and there is nothing on the ground to look at to get any idea as someone else posted (forgot name of poster, the site is running real slow right now or I would honor u with a name). The requo furtivum ixo chant does nothing and ihave my people equipped with mysterious quest items which I have two sets of by the way. So what now?
Oh, i have 2 rings 35% each(serendipitous rings), dwarven lords full set 15%, forgotten set 40% for a total of 125% chance to find magic items and they were very easy to get these, but the lil monkey only popped only 5 times so far. These are on my sartan Furious Tempest duel wielding tank which usually gets the last kill shot.
Oh yeah, a lil hint on killing the evil companions, have ice elemental, mythrilhorn, lothar, taar and my toon(ranger), taar heals, mythrilhorn i jsut kept hittin enrage and letting them beat on him while clicking freeze aura on ice elemental, and using circle of frost from taar and hitting elemental rage on lothar and using charged shot on my toon went pretty smooth really. I only ported out once to get more potions and the last part i had 4 evil dudes on me. just a tactics idea for ya all.