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Farming 4 Items

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 4:59 am
by unholy1
Hello, i'm totally new to the game. Seeing all those wonderous set items makes me drool... makes me think back to the good old Diablo days. Anyway... i would like to know if there's any specific place where 1 should be to farm for items? Maybe some veterans can help me out... thanks!

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 5:38 am
by Tuplis
actually there's a good farming place in each act imo.
greece: take the last rebirth fountain in the labyrinth and run through to minotaur+telkine
egypt: from the waypoint at valley of the kings, run straight to tomb of ramses, run straight to telkine and kill it
orient/olympia: take the last rebirth fountain and run straight to titan

you don't have to kill any monsters in any of these. you don't necessarily take any hits on the way to the bosses if you manage to avoid the monsters