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Chance of onw of the following?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:43 pm
by Area_51
Found a Legendary ring, "Archemedies' Cogwheel" that has a "Chance of one of the following:" But unlike other items there's no % listed. So, how much of a chance? Anybody have any idea?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:31 pm
by HellSlayer Grim
If ther is no % after it , it means that everytime you attack or use that item in the way it reads , one of those will happen everytime. I have noticed the same thing with storm nymbis (spell) , its says chance of one of the fallowing: Lightning or Ice dmg. But every time i stike with it on , i hit with either extra lightning dmg or ice dmg. :D