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Need help with valdis "spoiler"

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Need help with valdis "spoiler"

Post by papadale »

I can't seem to hurt Valdis at all can some one tell me how to get this guy?

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High Five
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Post by High Five »

You can't actually kill Valdis by just beating him down. You have to lure him and hit him with the Eyes of Zaramoth that are around. This doesn't take his health down either but after a few hits a movie will trigger. Good luck.
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Post by papadale »

Thanks HighFive

Your help is appreciated.

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Post by youngatheart »

Eyes of Zaramoth


I've read the walk-through, but am still having problems with the last battle. Valdis just stays in the center of the circle and floats up periodically. When I "attack" any of the eyes (when Valdis is swinging), they light up, but nothing comes out of them unless my party attacks him directly and they always getted killed eventually when they attack him.

Does it take hours of attacking the eyes to get the lasers to knock him over? It says in the walk-through that "if you get him to stop in the right place, the laser will knock him over, but as I said before, he just stays in the center of the circle and then floats up for awhile before returning to the center.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. :confused:
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Post by swcarter »

The eyes should shoot lasers (or whatever) after you've hit them a couple times. Valdis should chase you around. I don't remember a circle in the final room.

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Post by Darkelven »

valdis has like 3 stages, first stage is the sword stage, ya have to beat him with the eye like 3 or so times, not sure how many, but its a few times. then next stage he looses sword, and goes combat mage stuff on ya.. and then he has lots of life, and is very hard at this time... in fact i was fighting him and when he clones himself into 3, he actually healed himself, not sure how but he did, but the attacks are all cycled, the yellow beam he shoots ya stay behind him when he shoots it ya be fine... the worst is the fireball it seems to hit from any angle. weird shots that fireball is... after ya get him down to like 1 then he does the last stage where ya use the eye again... also if ya use the eye, and knock him down ya dont have to fight the lighting monsters that attack ya.. so concentrate on valdis as much as possible... have one party member stand in front of eye to lure valdis to it and have another hit the eye and he will go down quick, valdis is so stupid at times he will just walk into the laser from the eye... i found valdis easier than the archmage.
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Post by youngatheart »

Guess when I posted a plea for help I was more confused than I thought. I was actually at the point where I had to defeat the darkmage, not Valdis - that's why the walkthrough didn't make sense to me. I have since defeated both of them and you're right, the darkmage part was harder.

Thanks for everyone's help. I only got stuck a few times, but would'nt have been able to finish the game without this forum and the aid of a few parts in the walkthrough. :)
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