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How can I keep the map from my savegame?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:53 pm
by victorash
Sorry if this had been posted already (if yes just give me a link), but I search for a while and didn’t find anything about it

Lets say I have 2 saves A (the current one) and B (back-up). I do a mistake in save A and I want to replace it with B. I do that. I reload the game and I see that I lost my map. All the places (portals, rebirth fountains), quest are ok but the map is undiscovered, except the place I’m standing. Now I get back the A save and I have the map lightened again. What file do I have to back-up or what should I do to keep the map according to every save? (my character back-up consist of the files are in the main directory – C:\Documents and Settings\Victor\My Documents\My Games\Titan Quest\SaveData\Main\)

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:46 pm
by Siberys
Google Titan Quest Defiler, and when you get the program with that name, use your Saved Game B on that OR if you prefer to at least keep that still aside, use your saved game A on that to see if anything happens.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:43 pm
by SoulSeekkor
Look under:

C:\Documents and Settings\Victor\My Documents\My Games\Titan Quest\SaveData\Main\_[Character]\\Normal <--or Epic, Legendary

You'll see a folder called 'fow', that is your "fog of war" or map data. Recopying that should help, if not you can recopy it and use the Defiler's 'Patch Game' or TQ Vault Monitor to see if it will bypass the game's check on that specific data.