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Cube of my dreams

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 3:00 pm
by nkensign
I asked for some help a while ago in finding the Planar cube, which Coaxmetal needs to escape the Siege Tower. Does no one know what I am talking about? Any info would be really appreciated...

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2001 1:07 am
by eschew
The cube can be bought in a shop in the Clerk's ward. Don't remember the name of it but since there's only 2..

'zat help?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2001 4:58 am
by Mr Sleep
Lady Vrishka IIRC :)

It is the shop that looks like an armidilo :D

You have to look through her exotic items, can't remember which side of the store it is in :(