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Opening the gates to the Eastern Waterway

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:44 pm
by Richard Savage
Hi Guys,
I'm stuck on the last puzzle of the waterways, the Eastern one. No matter how I open the gates I can't get to the water activator. I've spent fruitless hours trying to figure this one out, can anyone help me figure this out so I can go on to the final showdown? Your help is greatly appreciated! :)

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:16 pm
by swcarter
We have a [url=""]walkthrough[/url] for the quest here. I don't know how much it will help you, but it will at least show you where the secret doors are, and perhaps you've missed one and that's the problem.


Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:45 pm
by Richard Savage
I appreciate the reply, but I can't find the "wait" mode that you're talking about. Zero is used to toggle a previous power according to my tutorial, I went in game and tried it and it didn't work. If there's anyway that you have
to make the party wait that I haven't found, I'd appreciate it if you told me the secret!

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:50 pm
by swcarter
I haven't played in a while, but I'm sure there's a way to configure the keys. If you look around under options, you could check to see what "wait" is currently mapped to.


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:29 am
by Richard Savage
I've looked at both manuals for DS II and BW and there's no command or key
stroke to make your party "wait" that I can see... :(

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:47 am
by KillerGremal
...check also once the in-game options, you can find there a list how keys are associated with commands. There should also exist an entry for 'wait' and the realted key behind, if not you can define one.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:15 pm
by Thing
Use F1 and select options - you'll be able to see how your shortcut keys are set-up. the default for wait mode is "W" (in the same way as "F" for mirror mode and "G" fo rampage mode

good luck

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:18 am
by Richard Savage
Hi guys,
I've found the command for wait, it's "C" on my puter, but when I hit it, all
the party members stop, not just a certain few. Is there anyway around that?

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:20 pm
by Zathrus
Wait Mode

Hi there,
Wait is mappable in input options, in wait mode only one character is active, place your team next to the switches and alternate when required, sorry mate but i found this puzzle the easiest of the lot.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:04 am
by Richard Savage
Thanks guys, I finally got it figured out. I found the other three puzzles easy
too Zath, I dunno why this particular one flummoxed me. I'll never be a rocket
scientist though, that's for sure.