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Inaccuracies in the chants from the walkthrough

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:26 am
by voodoodog
I compared the list in the walkthrough with the list of chants from my journal, this is what is in my journal that doesn't match up with the site's list.

Chant 12 - Lesser Chant of Ranger Power
Chant 13 - Lesser Chant of Prosperity

Chant 45 - Chant of Ranger Skill
Chant 46 - Chant of Magic Skill
Chant 47 - Chant of Melee Skill

Chant 70 - Greater Chant of Melee Skill
Chant 71 - Greater Chant of Rangre Skill
Chant 72 - Greater Chant of Magic Skill

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:31 pm
by swcarter
Are you playing BW or a non-North American version of the game? I corrected the mis-wording of chants 45-47, but the other chants agree with the other guides I've checked.


Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:35 am
by voodoodog
I am playing Dungeon Siege II Broken World, so i guess that means that the BW list of chants is slightly diffrent than normal DSII. You can delete this topic.