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This Is How Magic Find % Works

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:52 am
by voodoodog
MF is not cumulative and it doesn't average through the party. Whenever you kill a monster or open a chest, the game looks for the HIGHEST MF COUNT IN THE PARTY. That is, it looks for the character with the most mf percentage and applies that to the item drop. So, if you have one character with 70% mf, and another with 69% mf, the game only applies 70%. The gear with 69% is USELESS, unless you hoard ALL your mf gear on one character. I have 4*120% legendary rings and 1*60% exceptional amulet on my main character and he deals the less damage, he rarely gets a kill, if any (but is a good tank and has good defensive powers), and i literaly find sets and uniques left and right. IN FACT, you don't even need to use that char for killing, just equip him with all the mf gear, select him and just sit back and let the others do the work. I tested this and it works (i have yet to find if the same principles apply even when the mf char is unconscious or is very far away, but i guess they dont change). It doesn't matter who delivers the killing blow, don't spread mf gear all around and put them all in one.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:05 pm
by my6kato

the thing that you are saying sounds very nice... i mean i was trying to equip every item with some MF even the miserable with 5% only... but i didnt concentrate on 1 char...i spred them exactly coz of the LOW DMG ... do u have any proof that the game works that way...actualy theres no need for proof i can proove it to myself by testing it... i hope it works, even now i have pretty good drop percentage.... i have another question .... DID THE RECIPES ARE COUNTED AS UNIQUE ITEMS (coz judging by the color of the book *purple*...should be unique) ... coz if it IS ...then u should get better recipe drop with higher make sense right ?

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:05 am
by voodoodog
I do have proof, i can send you screenshots that are at most 5 minutes apart in the game, where you see a set and unique dropped, or more. i get sets and uniques from armor stands, from weapon barrels, anywhere. most of them are duplicates, or are not very powerfull and i sell them, but i get some good items also. i once had so may sets and uniques i could fit them all in one char's inventory, after maby 40 50 minutes of mf run. and the recepies DO count as uniques as i fount that i got many recipies also, most were duplicates...

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:56 pm
by sirine
% magic find is "cumulative"

% of mf is "cumulative", I have 3000% :D

600%x5 character. (can go up a little more...)

For every 20 normal mob kill you 'sure' have 2~3 rare/set drop.

Frequently, no more blue items, mostly light blue/green. or no color.

need proof "save file", email me. (DS2 with broken world) only. "Title: Send me the DS2+bw save file pls."

you will need to stock up the prismatic bouble at lvl43~45. buy pets and stock it up.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:32 am
by voodoodog
no it's not...

don't confuse everyone, you replied almost everywhere saying that mf is cumulative, but it's not. i think we at least agree that it doesn't matter who has the kill or who opens the chest. i have 1 char with 4 * 120 rings, and i get 1 set or uniqe per 30-40 monsters, sometimes less, 20-30. then i gave 1 ring to each of my 4 chars, and i tell you that i get a whole lot less good items. the reason you get so many, is that AT LEAST ONE of your chars has 600 mf. that's what the game takes into calculation. try it, discard all the other mf on the other chars, and leave just one with the highest mf. you will get the same results.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:40 pm
by KillerGremal
Indeed MF is not commulative across party members (it's commulative on the char itself - but who would expect other?).
This is according to some notes at the GPG-Forum (start reading at last post of DragonTeeth12), if you are handy you will probably find too in Google's web site cache a shorter comment in the beta test forum on fileplanet (expired meanwhile).

If this is a logic/reasonable way to detect MF, that's another question.

However like the things are working currently, if you have +3000% MF on 5 chars, each with +600% then totally +2400% MF are wasted and the slots should better used for other things.
However this is not critical in this case, for five mages in elite the game isn't very challenging anyway (as you can read a couple of times in the recent posts here).

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:58 pm
by sirine
Some explaination

I'm using 5 char, I'm still at the mer mode. y? cause I play DSII to vet, then install DSII BW and convert the char so at DSII BW= mer but 5 char.

As for the 600% or 3000%, well, i personally "FEEL" that it give me more drop compare with 600%. I duno how the program count, but compare with Broken World, the % mf drop on DSII original is much higher. "MAYBE" just maybe there is difference between original and BW, or area you try to hunt for rare.

Just some personal experiance to share, pls dun get too personal.

Now trying to get lvl1, chr to open HIGH Lvl treasure box. y? because the game like to count for your lvl on buying reagent and items drop. so, how i do it?

Well since i would like to begin a new game, (5 mage too boring), I would start by using only party member to go through the quest. and let my main char stay at town. (Still duno can work or not) if ok, then when at the right time, just send the party member to hotel, and using just my lvl1 main char to open box or complete a quest to get the drop.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:49 pm
by sirine
I have read this.

Submitted by The Hanker Chief on Thu, 2005-09-29 12:15.
Dumb q on find item/gold %s | Gas Powered Garage
Game Setup: Multiplayer game in Party mode (2 humans, 3 characters each).
p1.c1 20% mf - actively selected
p1.c2 40% mf
p1.c3 60% mf
p2.c1 10% mf - actively selected
p2.c2 30% mf - just killed monster
p2.c3 50% mf

What is the #magic_find variable set to in pcontent_macros.gas?

However, I believe I can answer this question myself now. The original dev's post appears to be the correct behaviour - only the highest +gold or +magic find in the party counts. Furthermore, in multiplayer only the acting party is searched. So in the above example, the drop would occur with p3.c3's magic find of 50%.

I went through the trouble to test this in-game by modding pcontent_macros.gas. Here's what I changed the first gold drop entry in all of the drops to:
[gold*] //JMC_Monster_Miniboss
chance = 0.0001+#magic_find*100.9;
max = 100.0 + 100.0 * #magic_find;
min = 100.0 + 100.0 * #magic_find;
min_pile = 1;
piles = 1;

Notice that I expect the gold amount to reflect the #magic_find. The results of my tests were that the #magic_find only works when used in the chance field, when used in the min and max fields, it was counted as 0. Thus, when I had no +gold equipped and some +magic, I always got 100 gold from every drop. When I equipped a +60% gold item on any character, the gold drops increased to 160. Furthermore, equipping a +15% gold on a different character resulted in no change in the gold drops. Next, I unequipped all +magic find items. As expected, the consistent 100 gold drops no longer occurred. Equipping a +8% magic find item on any character returned the gold drops. The only thing I wasn't able to unequivocably test was that only the largest +magic find in the party is used, but it is not too big a leap of faith to assume it works just like +gold.

In multiplayer I simply tested with one party having plenty of +magic find and +gold and the other party with none. When any member of the second party killed anything, the 100 gold drop did not go off. Furthermore, when the fist party triggered drops, the gold values were the same as with only one party in the game.

So if you want to optimize your +magic find and/or +gold, make sure each party (each human player controls one party) in the game has one character with high values in the property you are interested in.

I have some question. If "The Hanker Chief" tested this with "Human" race character then he might get wrong, cause the "Human" race have a 10% mf basic.

"As expected, the consistent 100 gold drops no longer occurred. Equipping a +8% magic find item on any character returned the gold drops."

If ANY OF THE TEST CHARACTER IS "HUMAN" RACE. This is something wrong. Cause as he said, the game search for the highest mf, which is 10% base, from the Human, "ANY human" cause when you reset the char skill point at DSII BW, you will see some skill point can not be set to 0. That is base skill point.

So to optimize your +magic find, ++on your "human" character to get the extra 10%.

Currently for my "brand new" party. Main Char lvl 0 (Zero), Lohan lvl8, Tar lvl 8. Now at Chapter 1, working my way to chapter 2.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:16 am
by SteelLord
Don't 4get 2 use the Greater Chant of Prosperity.:laugh:

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:41 pm
by paul_m
I am just wondering how you guys get up to 3000%? I now have about 8 legendary rings (*120= 960%) but I now can't buy anymore of the prismatic baubles, so where do I get more of them?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:54 pm
by swcarter
You can't get up to 3000% because MF isn't cumulative. The game just uses the character with the highest MF.

For prismatic baubles, you just have to be patient. Every time you load your game the shopkeepers change their wares, and so you have to keep trying until the baubles show up. It's tedious but you'll find them eventually.