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Tranquility of Water Question

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:15 am
by Planet_Guardian
Heart of Oak gets mod'ed by Tranquility of Water.
Question: Does ToW reduce the energy cost of my pets special energy skills while under Heart of Oak aura?
-I'd like to know, so that I will feel comfortable investing my points into the Wolves' special attack "Maul" it uses 24energy points per use. This would be so that they can use it more often. (Is that a good idea for a pure summoner?)

If ToW applies to my pets, then I guess I will max this skill out. It's just that I'm not sure its worth it for my pure summoner build. As my nymph archer can use a maxed out Nature's Wrath (13Energy/shot-usage), without having any energy problems...and the Core Dwellers Wildfire doesn't seem worth investing.

Should I just avoid Tranquility of Water all-together, or will it be useful to have at least for the wolves and their energy-wasting skill?


Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:20 am
by Planet_Guardian

I'm guessing Tranquility of Water gives bonuses to the pets...I just wanted comformation on this.


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:19 am
by xidioos
this question as been asked already, i dont remmber the answer but i think you should just try it and if it doesnt suit you you can then alwayz redistribut your skill points.. it cost like poo :P