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Hi, I'm Slayer (lvl 16) and I have a few questions, help...

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:20 am
by Genouske
I'm new at this game I have titan quest and immortal throne so I'm playing first titan quest then move one to immortal throne.

I'm warfare & Hunter.

First I regret having chosen hunter as my second mastery i should have chosen Defense (is there any was to take it out and choose defense even using a cheat)?

I have a lot of relics and charms (taking up too much space). I kinda want to use them but then I say what if I get a better armor or weapon in a bit so it would go to waste.

Also I have armor and weapons with blue writing I kinda want to keep them all but don't have space, is there anyway to put them somewhere.

Once u sell a item from armor SET is it possible to get it again (i.e from a monster).

What type or class armor/weapons is there, i.e. Iron, bronze etc. Can someone list them in order from weak to strong.

What is the best SET for a Conquerer and also for a Slayer?


Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:16 pm
by gustaveau
those are alot of questions! :)

First of all, do you play titan quest with or without the expansion? Because there are some nice features in the expansion you can use really good!
In the expansion it's possible to have extra storage space in the towns, and there is also an echanter which can remove relics and charms from items. In that way you're able to use them again on a different item!

There is a program you can use to change your character, i don't know exactly what it is, but i'm sure someone here can tell you. With this, you should be able to change your mastery.

I understand you would want to keep all the blue items, but many are just not suitable for your character. So you have to make decisions wether or not to keep them. But once again, in the expansion you can store them.

For good sets, you can take a look on this website and decide yourself.

About weapon and armor class, i'm not sure. But in general if you use common sense, you should be able to figure out which kind of item is stronger (iron is stronger then copper) This is more difficult in later difficulties with fictional names....

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 1:20 pm
by Genouske
Cool thanks, I was playing from Titan Quest not Titan Quest Immortal Throne. I found now the caravan and stored my stuff in there. I expanded it once (cost 10000) but the second time will cost me 500000 way too expensive.

Is it possible do this: Create more characters then have my main character transfer stuff to the other characters.

Also I'm in Delphi right now.

So does this mean I missed items and some side quests that are only available in Titan Quest IT? Should I go back and play from beginning of game?

By the way I think the swords in this game r a bit short no?

Also is there a Samurai look alike sword in this game?

What is that "Unlock content", I see it when I press escape during game play?


Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:00 pm
by swcarter
Genouske wrote:Is it possible do this: Create more characters then have my main character transfer stuff to the other characters.
So does this mean I missed items and some side quests that are only available in Titan Quest IT? Should I go back and play from beginning of game?
No, all of the new quests are in the new last act, which occurs after the original Titan Quest campaign.