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Hello and can I get some help here.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 11:00 am
by jkr
Hi guys, Ive been lurking around GameBanshee for a long time now. I completed all of BG (Thanks for all the help some of ya gave me for The BG games) and since everyone thought PST was so good, thought I'd give it a try.

You guys were right awesome game. Now for the help part. I'm trying to get through the game with out using the walk thru sooooo heres the problem. Ive gotten Fall From Grace to join the party but low and behold Morte and Annah(?) gave me fits. Do I keep her or go back to the save before. I do plan on playing the game a more thatn once but I dont want to loose other members due to a personality problem the first time through(while being realistic its also very irritating). No big spoliers please. Thanks guys.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 3:48 pm
by Omar
Well now, I've never heard of this before! Annah and Morte left because Fall-from-grace joined your party? I played through the game with all three of them in my party; suer, there was some trouble between Annah and Fall but nothing serious...
How high is the Nameless One's charisma?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 5:37 pm
by Aegis
I don't they left, I think he's just getting nnoyed because them bickering. Honestly, I never had any problems with that (But I also don't use FFG) My advice is stick it out, and if things get worse, just ditch FFG, and keep the othe,r more developed, members of your party (Omar, don't send your sick mind to work... :D )

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 5:46 pm
by jkr
Thanks for the tips! I guess I wasnt to specific with my post. What I meant to say was that they were bickering and I didnt want to end up losing one later when i really needed them. I wasnt sure if I would be able to "talk" them into staying. I followed your advice Aegis and left FFG and we're now in Curst and I'll say it again "excellent game" Oh one other question. I joined the Godsmen then had to switch to Senate (couldnt figure out how to get into member ares of that faction with out switching) Is there a way ? and if not how can i go back to Godsmen (didnt buy the dang axe) Thanks guys

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 5:49 pm
by jkr
Opps, sorry guys pulled a newbie and didnt read the newest post :rolleyes:

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 9:04 pm
by fable
There are no problems between the party members you mention. There is one potential major conflict, but that's not the pair who bring it on.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 9:32 am
by Zelgadis
If you have enough charisma, you can lie to the door guy and he lets you in, thats the only other way that i know of.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 4:01 am
by turtlespit
I found out that I 'was' a member of the Sensates in a previous incarnation. If you tell this to the door guy, he lets you in.

Unfortunately - I can't remember who I found that information from... it somebody in the Clerk's ward though.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 10:07 am
by Alya
If you talk to Aelwyn (a friend of Nemelle), she will tell you about your past and you will learn that you had been a Sensate in one of your previous lifes. This allows you to get to the Private Sensorium, and gives you access to most of the Sensates wares, without forfeiting your current faction.