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missing vitality damage

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:26 am
by wraithking
has anyone else noticed that vitality damage is
missing from the advanced search option in the
database,cause im mad on dream builds and like
to even out damage types that i dish out and looking
for vitality damage items is a real pain so can anyone
help me with this? any help much appreciated

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:05 am
by Claudius
There are some good green items that you can look for. For example use these as rings. Accursed drains 30% of mana for burn and increases vitality by a %. Spiritcallers does vitality flat and some %. I found those in normal there might be better in epic/leg. Thats my ring set up for my thane right now (both of frost). The mana suck (accursed) is socketed with spectral matter so I am like the hoover vacuum of mana on bosses hehe (also %50 damage to undead). The other ring is socketed with vile ichor which is your vitality damage relic of choice (flat and %).

I have found a legendary axe that is good, torment. +% attack, +%damage, about 20 vitality damage a hit (always small but it goes through armor), int, dex, and str, + piercing flat.

Where you planning on using the editor to make some items? Otherwise seeing on gamebanshee won't help cause its unlikely you find what you see unless you trade.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:41 pm
by Siberys
@Wraithking, thanks for pointing this out. I'll give the administrator a quick PM about this to let him know whenever he gets the chance to add it in.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:28 pm
by wraithking
thanks u guys/girls i heard there was alot of green
items with vitality damage on them but you've
just help me confirm this,no i dont use editors
i like to play fair in games but wouldnt mind
making a weapon strictly for dream build but
dont know how im a newbie when comes to
editors an stuff like that

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:53 pm
by Claudius
I just discovered that spiritcaller prefix is just for pets :(

But there are other good green items. weapons definately have some vitality things. Devouring is common and there are some rarer ones that also have other special effects but I forget what. Maybe stun % health???

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:37 pm
by wraithking
dream damage

thanks to everyone involved with including
all the dream damage types to the advanced search
option in database ,you've made me the happiest
dream mastery fan ever,you people rock and thanks again