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Expendable Javelins?? Dodge etc bad???

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:06 pm
by Claudius
I am thinking of changing my char to fit the fishyzon guide. It looks pretty cool.
When I made my character I choose melee jav skills (or planned to actually I only level 22) and the reasoning was that if I was throwing javelins they run out meaning I have less good javelins....

How does this work when using lightning fury (LF)? I also thought LF was less good because it had less % synergy but I guess 20 pts is enough in any case.

Could I use lightning strike in place of lightning fury??? That gets more synergy and doesn't need pierce.

Keep in mind that I am playing for scratch and won't likely have +high skills.

The fishyzon guide also says dodge is bad for some situations like the blow gun guys you get stuck in dodge lock when you could be barbecuing them!!

When IS dodge a good skill? Bowazon?


Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:27 pm
by Siberys
20 points in both lightning strike and lightning fury.

Lightning Strike Recieves this damage including synergy from LF.

21 hits

Costs 9 Mana.

Lightning Fury recieves this damage including synergy from LS.

21 Hits

Cost 19.5 Mana.

The difference as to why Lightning Fury is slightly better- The Pierce skill.

Pierce applies to Lightning Fury simply because it's a single lightning bolt going through one enemy. There are just a lot of those single lightning bolts. Pierce at 20 skill points has a 85% chance of passing through a target and onto the next target. this allows an average of 17 targets more to be hit with this skill, and a maximum of 42 complete full fledge hits.

And as for Dodge, 6 points in any build for Amazon is a good expenditure. 40% chance to dodge any creature that attacks you, that saves you 4 out of 10 hits from a mob of baddies, and more than likely saves your life.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:40 am
by Claudius
Oh I think the point int he fishyzon guide is that some enemies hit you so much with ranged (darts of blowguns) that you get locked in the dodge animation. You die because you can't run awAy or fire your awesome lightning skills.

but thanks. great explanation on the lightning fury.

Edit: also I noticed (i think) that my javelin count went up when I repaired items. I will have to test this to be sure.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:26 am
by GawainBS
Yes, you can repair javelins up to their maximum stack size. Here's pretty good and torough guide on Javazons which explains what weapons to use.
PvM LF/PJ Javazon Guide for v1.10 (revised) - Diablo 2 Forums

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:50 am
by Deadalready
Personally I've prefer only one point to all the dodge skills, the only reason being is to get Valkry and Decoy, if I could somehow bypass those skills I probably would.

Lightning Fury is fun, doesn't do as much damage as I'd want but once you get it with pierce and use it, it'll probably obliterate everything very quickly. I like lightning strike more personally but the two work well together.

At lower levels I carry a powerfull thrusting spear for use with Lightning Strike and a good throwing (replenishing if possible) for Lightning Fury.