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Small Changes that'll make the 3rd great...

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Small Changes that'll make the 3rd great...

Post by gonin »

This thread isn't so much about uber changes like the plot the characters and the hawk but more on the line of gameplay mechanics and allignement choices.

I think a free roam option would be cool. Like after you finish the main story line you can go back and finish up the missions you forgot or didn't feel like doing. Maybe you would be able to join a guild or become a merc, maybe a freighter pilot.

Another thing i think should be added is the ability to control your ship and have flying mini games where instead of uning the turret, you accually fight the other ships off while flying from a first/ third person view.
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Post by Fierce »

I don't know if you know, but these ARE major changes. If KotOR 3 ends with you becoming a grand Jedi\Sith Master, how come you can become a typical merc or freight pilot? Besides, creating a simulation part of the game would take much time, thus distracting creators from making a good gameplay.
In the mist by the hills the day darkens
In this forest death rules
Over this chasm riders of doom and face him with a deadly pale
Spectre face
Grim as stone, ride to the deathfields... Blackness and doom
A total eclipse of the sun
Die by the northern triology in the mist by the hills
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