Camera Mod Collection Updated
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:50 pm
- Recreated v1.0 of the Camera Mod for folks requesting the old LOWHORIZON view.
- Extremely Low Horizon view provides opportunities for incredible panoramic screenshots.
- The low pitch angle can result in "mob" placement holders being made visible and can also add significant stuttering while zooming in.
- Zooming In is more appropriate for taking panoramic screenshots as opposed to actual game play.
Bug Fixes
- Artifact Formulas, Artifacts, Scrolls, Rings and Amulets display all stats with colored text again.
- Relic and Charm removal now costs gold again (...sorry).
- Extremely Low Horizon view provides opportunities for incredible panoramic screenshots.
- The low pitch angle can result in "mob" placement holders being made visible and can also add significant stuttering while zooming in.
- Zooming In is more appropriate for taking panoramic screenshots as opposed to actual game play.
Bug Fixes
- Artifact Formulas, Artifacts, Scrolls, Rings and Amulets display all stats with colored text again.
- Relic and Charm removal now costs gold again (...sorry).