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skill points distribution

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:36 am
Hi, I have a sort of problem. Not a real annoying one but would like to know your opinion .)
As I have been really enjoying DS2 in the last 3 weeks and have kept playing and playing I suddenly realized that I forgot to distribute skill points. I play with 4 characters each from 16 to 22 undistributed points and have just finished the campaign on mercenary level.

My party specialisations: 2-hands wpn, cross-bows, thrown weapons and confused mage. Please have a look.
The tank

My question is how could I have finished the first difficulty level without any serious problem with so much undistributed skill points? Does it even matter to distribute these in order to finish the game?
And as I unintentionally developed Taar into a nature/combat magic master shall I try to keep both magic branches in balance or maximize one of them?

Thanks .)

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:26 am
by JessicaElytis
Well, skill points help (a lot at times), but the biggest thing is tactics. Merc mode is fairly easy as well. I really didn't find challenges (aside from a few bosses and a few large mob ambushes) until halfway through Vet mode. So the game seeming easy is no real surprise.

And no, you don't ~have~ to distribute skills to beat the game. They're just an edge.

You have two of the heaviest hitters in the game for dealing damage (Crossbow and Thrown Weapon. Dual-Wield would be a third worthy of mention.) I imagine a lot of your battles ended before your tank got there ;) With Taar acting as a healer, and dealing out additional damage with combat mage spells, you would have a very effective damage team.

Also, the old saying "Clothes make the man." is big here. Equipment can more than make up for skills. I see your tank has a good array of skills even without distributing any :cool: If you ever played Diablo2, you can easily understand the benefits of items that give class bonuses across the board.

You say you finished the Campaign on Merc. Did you also complete the Broken World on Merc?

As for Taar. I prefer to run with Taar-NM and Finala-CM, and build both up pure. Taar gets some sick damage with ice spells and maxing out healing and buff skills gives the entire party an edge. Though a mixed mage is very versatile, but takes longer to work up (obviously). Since you aren't relying on the mage for damage (Your ranged characters are pulling that weight), I think you would be free to develop the mage as best suits your desire for fun. :D

As a last note, I'd like to congratulate you on going so far without using skills. While not unique, it does show a very good aptitude for tactics and gameplay. :cool:


Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:40 am
Thak you Jessy.

I shall get the BW soon and I will surely have a try. I am afraid I will be putting some more questions concerning the BW :)
Of course I used to play Diablo and Diablo 2 very much and found the skill tree simple and clear. Quite unlike the one in the DS2...

As for tactics and gameplay aptitude you mentioned. I have been on long-term sick leave with my broken heel bone since july so I kinda have a lot of time so I can afford this way of playing a game (though unintended) :-)
I guess I finish the DS2 and then put my hands on the BW and the dwarf character who seems promising.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:29 pm
by JessicaElytis
BRKO wrote:Of course I used to play Diablo and Diablo 2 very much and found the skill tree simple and clear. Quite unlike the one in the DS2...
Actually, I found it was the exact same thing, just they turned the skill tree on it's side (Top went to the left in a counter-clockwise rotation).

DS2 is actually simpler than D2 because skills don't enhance each other (Like the Necro's summon skills buffing all the other summon skills).:mischief:

The only difference is that you have access to all "classes" as long as you meet the level requirements for that skill. It allows for much more diversification, which does increase the complexity. For staying in your "base" class, however, just go from left to right ;)


Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:43 pm
by Vai'Lutra

And don't get distracted by cool looking skills on other trees :laugh: