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How I Think KOTOR III should start

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:30 pm
by KOTORlord
I think KOTOR III should start out as a surviver from KOTOR II's last level(You) but

not one of the old party members and you find the exile inside the ebon

hawk. You are able to send a message to the republic from the Ebon Hawk's

only working system and a Republic comes to pick u and the Exile up in the

ebon hawk and take you to Coursant and then you have to find a mechanic

and a special kind of medicen to heal The Exile

what do you guys think and feel free to give your own opinions as to how it will start

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:18 am
by greensaber
I think the exile meats revan in unkown space and go look for the true sith, they are careless and directly captured by their new oponend :eek: and all their inventory is taken. This is were the real game starts, you awaken either as revan or the exile aboard an alien ship, somewere you will find the other (if revan > find exile, if exile > find revan). Together you'll escape the ship (hopefully on the ebon hawk).

What do you think? :p

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:07 am
by fable
We already have a large thread for all the suggestions regarding what another KotoR should be like. Please use that one for anything you care to suggest.

This thread is closed.