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Ullers XP Tip

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:23 pm
by Uller
This is a wee tip (Uller's XP Tip) for all those that don't use mods to create characters and prefer to play the game it should be played...

I know for a fact most people once they have beaten Legendary difficulty start to struggle with gaining xp with their character somewhere in game that is low risk and relatively good return....

Well I have just figured out a pretty good place to get an endless supply of monsters that grant you xp and you do not even have to move.

Like I said before this is not a cheat. I despise cheating so lets just leave it at that.

Now in Egypt (legendary) below the sphinx there is a final room that has 4 x Dark Obelisks and a whole lot of Acolytes (hovering mummy like guys that cast electrical attacks at you). My suggestion to you is kill 2 of the Obelisks and the 2 statues that attack you afterwards on each side of the room.

Leave the 2 obelisks nearest the far door. Now provided that you have plenty of potions (which most players do) you can keep killing the Acolytes that get recreated time and time again from the Obelisks.

Each Acolyte that you kill grants you XP and there is a constant endless supply of them provided you do not kill the obelisks.

Now this option is by no means going to give you any spectacular item drops or the like however it is very very low risk and the return on xp from a constant flow of monsters is a lot faster than running around in another higher risk area that will only give you a similar xp return anyways.

Its just food for thought anyways. And I have found it useful even at lower levels. Basically all the tip is around is making use of the Dark Obelisks that are around. They are an XP gift in disguise.


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:41 pm
by Siberys
I've actually done that before. Just to gain a few levels before moving on I simply stayed down there in both normal and epic, works quite well in fact (though by legendary you'll still need to have the patience of a saint).

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:54 pm
by Uller
Your absolutely right Siberys. Its by no means an "exciting" way to level how ever I have timed it in comparison to running Hades in Legendary (for example) and it is a lot faster for your 60+ character to gain xp from the obelisks and their constant flow of Acolytes/Skeletons.

Also with running some of these higher risk places there is always the fear that you may die (due to the difficulty of the area) and that sets your character back hours worth of xp game playing time.

I think no matter how you look at it to go from say level 64 to level 65 it is going to take you a very long time....and my tip here is primarily about cutting that amount of time down and hopefully we can all obtain that 70+ level character without using mods, cheats or giving up our day job to play 24/7.


Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:57 am
by jeffmartis
a question of definitions

Well, yes, but don't you consider "farming" just another form of cheating anyway?

I certainly do.

If you head due south from the oracle town, the first group of cat people (the group with the two spell casters) almost always drop 2 of those special pieces (sorry can't remember what they are called.) about 80% of the time.

You can go there , get the pieces, save the game, go to main menu, reload tghe game, teleport to the Greek town, and then do it all over again. Its not as bad as using the editor, but farming is farming and really just another way to cheat - using an endless supply of monsters coming from dark obelisks for a couple hours - you're still not playing the game the way it is meant to be played! :eek:

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:37 pm
by Claudius
For XP farming a good way is to go from 'Thebes' I think it is...towards the temple that teleports you to Babylon. There is a large number of dark obelisks and each one of them is a big boost in XP (until you are much higher level than the obelisk). Reload the game and do it again...

I usually combine such runs with tombs runs in the valley of the kings. In the valley I get less XP but more items.

This type of run is much safer than running around in the orient with tigermen and dragonians and is actually a little MORE xp! (though 3rd Telkine/typhon runs are more xp they are insanely more dangerous)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:19 am
by Celahir
Exactly where is this place? o.0 Can u point it out on a map and post the picture or something? =)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:05 pm
by Claudius
its the temple after thebes. you have to beat the 2nd telkine first to go this way. Imhotep gives you a staff and 2 skill points and then you go along a path out the west side of thebes (you can't miss thebes it has a portal to it). Many obelisks just clear the whole map on the way to babylon.