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Tip on items for your Normal or Epic level chars

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:58 pm
by Uller
Hi everyone,

I have been noticing a large amount of green items that my 60+ characters have been finding that have e.g. chest armour - 620 armour - level req 11 - strength req 590.

Now obviously one comes to the conclusion that an 11th level character (that has not been made with the editor or outfitted by the editor) couldn't possibly obtain 590 strength at that level however during the current building of my Warfare/Storm character I have been able to attain 590 strength by level 29 with the aid of some other late level low level req. items.. this is where it is interesting....along my travels in the later levels I managed to find some green greaves from Act 1 legendary that add massively to strength and strangely a bit to damage....a green ring that adds a large amount to strength also and....a green maul like thing from Act 5 in legendary that does like a base damage of 230-243 odd and adds to strength largely and damage that also has a low level req. but reasonably high strength req.

After finally equiping all the items on my character in the right order so I can finally don the 620 def armour I find that all of a sudden I am doing an insane amount of damage for a level 29 character with a ridiculously high defense.

Quite literally now I am hitting monsters out of the screen with one hit when before I had to hit them like 3 times a piece.

Now I know these items obviously only work well for strength based ones but heck who wouldn't try it....

So next time you are cruising around Legendary with your level 60+ characters make sure you look twice at the green items you pick up because if the level requirements are very unusually low keep the potentially could make the normal and epic leveling days of one of your characters a lot easier for him/her.


Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:33 am
by Tenebrous
Just wondering, what's Act 5? There's Greece, Egypt, Orient, Hades and...?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:36 am
by Siberys
Tenebrous wrote:Just wondering, what's Act 5? There's Greece, Egypt, Orient, Hades and...?
Greece, Egypt, Orient, Olympus, Hades. Olympus, though with no portal is technically an act and the final one in the original TQ game.