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How to unsummon your creature?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:26 pm
by demigame
i focus on 'earth'
i summon a powful creature who come from earth (i don'nt know how to name it )

it kill all enemy before i reach them.
how to unsummon it ?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:48 pm
by Siberys
Umm, that's the point of a summon, to help kill your enemies. You still get the same loot chance and experience, so why Unsummon it for that reason?

In any case, unsummoning it, you right click on it's portrait to the left and it'll say something like "Disband pet."

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:10 pm
by demigame
Siberys wrote:Umm, that's the point of a summon, to help kill your enemies. You still get the same loot chance and experience, so why Unsummon it for that reason?

In any case, unsummoning it, you right click on it's portrait to the left and it'll say something like "Disband pet."
with it , i only can loot and walk, lack of fighting funny.
Thanks for answer!

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:55 pm
by Siberys
And? As I said, the point of a pet is to fight your enemies for you, and this should be especially obvious considering what type of pet the Earth mastery gets.

They're actually very useful early on, you shouldn't just dismiss them. They can save a lot of money on health potions, where you would normally use an abundance of them being the only target.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:02 pm
by demigame
i modified the game , modified character's ability & skill nasty.
i lost the funny of RPG (level up,fighting, equip ...)
so my pet also become invulnerable.

i re-play the game in normal mode.
and it is funny to summon a pet for fighting or unsummon when in city

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:31 pm
by Siberys
If you modded your game to a point where your pet is invulnerable as you say it is, then it's not the games fault for taking away the fun, and it's in fact more than likely your fault.

Try playing the original Titan quest (and immortal throne if you have it) completely unmodded, and tell me your pet is invulnerable then.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:41 am
by demigame
Siberys wrote:If you modded your game to a point where your pet is invulnerable as you say it is, then it's not the games fault for taking away the fun, and it's in fact more than likely your fault.

Try playing the original Titan quest (and immortal throne if you have it) completely unmodded, and tell me your pet is invulnerable then.

yes,i am playing in normal mode, i only unsummon my pet in city because i like to take a picture everywhere.

in fighting enemy, my pet alwayse die first, and help me to retreate from horde of creatures. sometime my pet die quickly, and i can't summon it immediately. It is vary funny,exciting in normal mode !!