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Some questions after finished game
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:10 pm
by demigame
1.what kind of feat or skill does a Cyclops use?
how can it damage 4/5 of my hit point?
(i play a elementaist)
how should i prevent it again? do you collect a full suit? (i found some items can compose a suit)
can it be done after finish epic or legency mode ? it normal for geting a item which has one or two insane attributes such as armor+555 ?:speech:
i saw a item which in a marchant store, it has a attribute armor+555, but the price is too high (>4 milion )that i can't afford.
4.what is the relation of 'a damage of a item' and 'offensive score of the player'?
which one if better for meele attack?
5.if i don't want to be damaged by enemy, should i focus on armor class(AC) or defensive score? does it damage my hit points? is a damage of enemy fixed or %?
even if i have up to 3000 hit points, a enemy can easy cut out 1/3 of my blood.
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:17 pm
by Siberys do you collect a full suit? (i found some items can compose a suit)
can it be done after finish epic or legency mode ?
Loot is random, I've already told you this. it normal for geting a item which has one or two insane attributes such as armor+555 ?
i saw a item which in a marchant store, it has a attribute armor+555, but the price is too high (>4 milion )that i can't afford.
If the price was just as insane as the item, then there's no bug.
4.what is the relation of 'a damage of a item' and 'offensive score of the player'?
which one if better for meele attack?
There is no relation. Offensive ability affects critical hits, so you should be getting both and not just one or another.
5.if i don't want to be damaged by enemy, should i focus on armor class(AC) or defensive score?
Neither, see above. Also, get pierce resistance. A LOT of the damage from enemies comes from piercing attacks. does it damage my hit points? is a damage of enemy fixed or %?
even if i have up to 3000 hit points, a enemy can easy cut out 1/3 of my blood.
It's fixed. Hit points mean nothing if your armor is crap. This is why you NEED a pet, because it will take some of the damage for you while you attack other enemies.
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:34 pm
by demigame
Thanks !!!!
for question-4:
if a ring has both increase damage and offensive that is too better for me.
but most of time i pick up a ring only has one attritube which add damage or add offensive, what should i chose in this circumstances?
let my has a example:
a ring has a +30% damage v.s. +45 offensive ? which one is better?
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:38 pm
by Siberys
Depends on what type of character your playing. + to damage and offensive ability only affects melee and ranged damage, no spells are modified.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:18 am
by Claudius
elementalist is usually a caster wielding a staff (but its possible to be melee). Either way you are doing elemental damage so you want some high intelligence. So rings that boost int are good. Also accursed and forsaken rings can help you do damage in the form of mana burn (good if you are going melee because you will be starved for damage). Arctic rings are also pretty good because they do damage and will slow the enemy. If you cast spells occult rings are pretty good because of the fast casting speed. I would use squall and eruption if I were an elementalist. Maybe volcanic orb too.
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:05 pm
by demigame
more questions after finishing epic mode.
1.I was unable to close to Typhoon in Epic mode ><..
i play a elementist.
i have 3500 hit points/mana
bleeding,vitality,energy resistance are 0%.
stun,disruption are 80%
fire,cold,lighting resistance are -5%
posion 140%,pierce 14%.
combined armor is 10xx.
run speed 152%
my dps is 37xx,
when i head to Typhoon, i didn't touch him, i was killed in 2 seconds, it is too faster that i can't see how he killing me ?!.
Does anyone can give me a suggestoin about how can i 'touch' him ?
( i like melee combat, i died many times and killed him finially, i used 'run and attack' tactic, but i don't like this way, it takes a lot of time)
What kinds of resistance should i stress?
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:19 pm
by Claudius
1. you have to learn typhons moves. You need some fire resistance for his fire breath and also vitality resistance because the fire does that too (demon charm). He shoots lightning also so if you have low lightning resist that might kill you. Meteors will pretty much kill you if he hits you with those but you should dodge away when he throws his hands up. You can dodge the lightning too but its nice if you can survive a mistake and drink a potion after running away. Life suck (red) so thats vitality resist again. Ok if he grows spikes run away and DONT hit him till they dissappear.
Basic strategy. Run at him wait for his attack and dodge it. If it hits you run away and drink a potion and hope you live. If you dodge it keep charging and wait for his next move. You might get 1 or 2 hits then he does meteors and you run away.
Sometimes he does this green thing and thats a good time to hit him alot because the green thing won't hurt you much. If he is physically beating with his fists now time to attack him just keep hitting the potion button and run away if he does meteors or try to dodge fire/lightning run away from life breath.
Use the shrines that surround the ring. The best two are the frost and the battle. The frost is the best because it slows down his attacks moves and you might get more hits but the battle is good because you hit faster for more damage.
If you are elementalist I would cast a lot of squall and eruption too since he will be hit by them.
2. Fire, lightning, cold (least important element), poison, piercing. Vitality and life drain, stun
For typhon as I said you need fire lightning pierce (spikes) bleeding (spikes) vitality + life drain
Less important:
skill disruption (not too important but sometimes you die because you are disrupted and cannot use skill), energy leach (only against 1 empusa otherwise worthless), bleeding (fire bull has bleeding death move)
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:43 pm
by demigame
so he also has a fire breath or fire ring that no wonder i can't
reach him.
" he grows spikes" ???
i don't have time to notice him, my time is used for runing & dodge.
i will check him carefully next time.
i am just a level 45 elementist. i think i overemphasized my attack/damage score and lost sight of my resistances, that is why i was killed in a second.
but when play elementilst, it is easy to find some items which has fire,cold,lighting,poision,pierce resistance, stun and disruption.
it is hardly to find bleeding,vitality resistance.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:04 am
by Claudius
"i am just a level 45 elementist. i think i overemphasized my attack/damage score and lost sight of my resistances, that is why i was killed in a second."
I beat legendary with a char who did 2100 dps but was pretty much a tank. (high armor/defensive ability) (80 each resist)(flashpowder/healing)
Now I admit that it takes a lot of time to win battles with low dps but if you have more resist at least you survive more often. Typhon is a pretty hard boss imo. Typhon, Barmanu, Manticore, and Hades are the boss that I needed to study to learn how to beat....
the fire of typhon is his breath (one type) not a ring of fire..
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:00 pm
by demigame
do you agree that to get a insane item is a key to win the battle ?
my dps now is 44000, every boss just die in a second.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:14 pm
by Siberys
44 thousand? I believe that's mathematically impossible with any combination of items, artifacts, relics, and skills. Or did you accidentally add in an extra 0?
Besides, what's the point of defeating a boss if you do it in one or two hits. I remember a bout I had with a legendary typhon where my character was a little ill-equipped, took me an hour and a half to kill typhon, and it was all the more satisfactory to kill him after trying so hard than it would be if I did it effortlessly.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:51 am
by Claudius
melee elementalist isn't even a high dps class. I think you must mean 4400 which is very good. Or else you hacked the game which is another story.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:17 am
by galtzaiLe
Well a DPS over 40k [url=""]can be done[/url] (more [url=""]here[/url] from [url=""]this thread[/url]), but hardly by an Elementalist (correct me if i'm wrong).
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:55 pm
by demigame
in Legendary mode.
my empty hand average damage is 26xx
when i equip a bow called 'Nemesis's Recurve' , my DPS become 44000.
44000/2600= 16.92
i also find some ring or a spear can make my dps up to 69000.
in Legendary mode.
the highest hit points is Hydra
Hydra has about 250000 hit points. (she ate my 6 bow-shots)
Typhoon has 180000.
Tiken has 160000.
Cylopos less than 40000.
to kill Typhoon, i must dodge away from his first wave attack (he can damage about 15000 hit points ), and run to his back, slay him.
when finish legendary mode, game is over. i can't use this character to replay normal or epic mode again, it alwayse repeat in last map(Typhoon).
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:02 pm
by demigame
Claudius wrote:melee elementalist isn't even a high dps class. I think you must mean 4400 which is very good. Or else you hacked the game which is another story.
oh, sorry, i forgot to say, i hacked the game.
i was too easy to be killed proir that made me mad, so i hacked the game.
now i play nature,this character has high resistence to all, it is hard to be killed. and i don't need to modify it. (as you said, a tank)
Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:56 am
by demigame
demigame wrote:
when finish legendary mode, game is over. i can't use this character to replay normal or epic mode again, it alwayse repeat in last map(Typhoon).
\\..\my games\titan\save\main\characterx\normal or epic or legendary..\
delete quest.* and questtaken.*
then i play again.