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Any Item Drop per Class or Level Mods?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:08 pm
by Tartan
I thought I read somewhere that someone had put together a DS2 mod that made sure item drops (even uniques & sets) were close to your or your party's average character level...but I'm not sure what it was called or where to find it.

Also, is there a similar mod that would only drop items for the classes represented by your party? (For instance, I've always wanted to run a 4xMelee party, but thought it impractical since only 25% of drops were for Melee characters.)

I've tried using KillerGremal/F3's "MonsterLevel Adjustment Mod, Beta 4b". It's hard to tell if this is even supposed to modify the original game (one place he says it can, in another he says it does not) and I tried loading it up and running my level 44 team thru it, but there were no improvements (no increased monster levels, XP gumdrops, nor item level adjustments). Either I'm using the mod wrong or it's not the mod I'm looking for.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 12:15 am
by KillerGremal
You should distinguish what MonsterLevel Adjusting Mod is able to do and what this mod is doing by default, and by default it only gets active on Erthos Struggle map (and maybe on other custom maps too if the mapper has tuned the map appropriately).
However there are two possibilities to profit form this mod also on the official GPG maps, please see the mod readme or the FAQ how to do this and about possible risks (mainly concerning quests).

But i'm not sure if this mod will help you in your case, that's not really the situation this mod was made for.
Because - assumed once GPG has defined for a certain container to drop a reward only 'half as good' or to include intentionally low-level items too then it doesn't help a lot if the container level is around your average party level.
Luckily that's rarely the case but actually it may happen - not for regular, rare or unique drops but sometimes for set drops so the player gets the chance to complete a set where he has missed an item.

Unfortunately a mod for your intentions doesn't exist as far as i know. It would require to totally rewrite the drop definitions, to reduce the low-level-item probability (that isn't be so difficult) and to turn all drops into melee (that would be much harder).
Actually there are some drop definition related mods but they are rather doubtable. Instead of appropriate or even customizable tunings they just flood the game with items, as if quantity is the same as quality...

Generally keep in mind that too good items just will make game easier - imagine now having 4 melee fighters, all with rather string powers and all full of super-magical equipment - that must be as if you play a game made for your 6 year old nephew.

So perhaps you should just feed the unneeded stuff to a melee pet (by using the feed-first-cheap-type-related-items-from-shops hint). Alternatively you could sell the unneeded stuff to use the gold to enchant items - maybe your chars won't look as pretty then but enchanted items help a lot to eliminate individual weaknesses of a char.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:41 am
by Tartan
Thanks so much for the reply KillerGremal! Yeah, I realized that what I was hoping for was either very easy or overly tedious to the point of impossibility depending on how the loot system worked and how items were defined and tagged by the game. Thanks for the good info and your work in this area. :D