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Boss Monster Handbook.(guess it's a spoiler..maybe)

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:19 pm
by Vai'Lutra
The following guide was written under a party of sword & weapon half giant tank,dual wield Lothar,and a Sartan with 2h,backed up by Taar,and fully grown Light Naid,with a mature Scorpion Queen until the 3 dark mages and onwards,where it was replaced by a big doggie.
I'm trying the game out with an all-range party now, so a new perspective on these fights will appear.

This is selection of tips about some boss monsters attacks and how to deal with them,some more obvious than others...

Kill the middle head "Vitalus" first to stop it healing the others,whenever the creature's tail glows,you should attack for another second or so and then get out of there!
beware it's breath attacks, a single attack isnt too bad but if two heads glow at the same time you should retreat or risk losing your mages/rangers.

Ignore the shambler and destroy all the leaf generators,clean up all the hatchlings afterwards.
You'll notice he is covered in green leaves and takes no damage,as you hit him these will go to yellow,red,then fall off,enabling you damage him.
Also, whenever you change the color of his leaves he will drop a few hatchlings, STOP attacking him and make them top priority, continue until he has no leaves or hatchlings.
He will often turn into a pod and suck up all nearby hatchlings, completely restoring his leaf amor.It is for this reason you should destroy all generators and hatchlings as soon as they appear, for it will permanently delete his leaf armor.

When you notice lightning pooling around your feet,move or suffer amazing amounts of damage.
When he creates "Crystal Shields" destroy them one by one, save up your powers until he unshielded and give him everything you've got.
When he summons big giants called Undead Azunite Infantry, lure them out of the arena to deal with them without his interferance.
When he summons a big crystal in the middle you must destroy it as soon as possible or it will constantly damage everyone in the team.
Also, make sure to avoid his lightning balls, they do high damage and thanks to his lightning pools, anyone who falls unconsious will almost certainly die.
I hope you enjoyed it,you get to fight 3 of these guys later.

When the durvla's start showing up you can lure them across the bridge to kill them,or try and lure them across the flames whenever you can,and hit them with your powers (It's not like you can use them on the dragon after all)
Freezing the Durvlas solid with Glacial aura or Circle Of Frost or stunning them with Staggering Blow also works well.

Attack Talon until your health becomes too low, then retreat across the hall to the wall, zig-zagging to avoid incoming fireballs.heal yourself until you are ready to repeat the process again.Don't try hiding in the alcoves, it doesn't work.

GANTH: (ok not a real boss but often seen as one)
When the creature's axe glows red it will heal you if it hits you,so run away until it's finished glowing.
If you can,cast any spell that reduces attack speed (Static Bolt,Cripple etc.) the best choice for this is "Encase" as it works VERY well and he's not resistent to ice.this will give you at least double the time to avoid his vampiric shockwave attack.
Another thing you can try is leaving all melee characters behind and using range only, this makes avoiding him easier but may be slow if your party is melee or combat magic-based.
If you hated this fight, you'll be pleased to know there are 4 more later in the game.

You have a choice,either kill one of the wizards,taking the demon with them,or if you want to fight them all for some reason you can lure the demon onto the lift and pull the lever,when the demon get's too far away from the wizard's he will scream and die instantly.
Dont' even try and dodge System shock,and as with the last dark wizard, make sure the projectiles don't hit you.When flame,ice or spinning skulls appear these are the equal of the previous guys lightning pools, DON'T get hit or suffer massive damage.
When there is only one wizard left he will summon a giant floating crystal,fairly harmless to tanks but hurts rangers and lethal to mages and non-mythrilhorn pets

Before you head in,take as many ressurection scrolls as your characters can equip,you'll probably need them.
When the floor glows with runes,it's pretty weak but have health potions ready just in case.
When he summons a purple shockwave,it will take all your buffs off so consider recasting,this has the double effect of sometimes making him cast it again instead of doing something dangerous.
When he rises up into the air and electrocutes you,it will do medium damage to less well armoured people but tanks won't be effected.
Later in the fight he'll warp one of the pillars around the edge to make it glow,turning it into an Aegis Terminus.
When this happens,destroy it quickly as it will shoot skulls at you that will INSTANTLY KILL anyone it touches.
Also, his Aegis Apocrphals are just super-crystal shields.
On Elite you will probavly find the mage surrounded by 3 Aegis Apocryphals and him summoning endless amounts of terminus,destroy the terminus,and you should be able to hit the apocryphals for about 1 second before you need to run to destroy the next terminus.Don't give up,it will take half an hour,but don't give up.
Again, save your powers until his shields are down, then give him everything you can.

Run around avoiding his attacks,lure him in front of an Eye Of Zaramoth (things around the edge) wait for him to attack then attack the eye.(and for your own sake don't stand in between him and the Eye)
when the giant Eye Of Zaramoth becomes available,the only way to kill him is to hit him with that.
None of his attacks after the cutscene are dangerous (assuming your clever enough to dodge them) except for when he summons 3 images of himself,attack each one,if you're too slow he'll completely heal himself.
And when a load of Quatall show up,just lure them away and kill them.
the lava is painful, but with health potions you can afford to use it as terrain, also tanks couldnt care less.

If you have someone who can cast Wrath Of Ancestors,then use this in all boss fights,it really really helps if you have a enough levels of Feral Wrath.
NOTE: I will keep editing this as I discover new tricks and attacks.

Broken World Bosses:

ROGUE MAGE:I fought this guy on Mercenary with a lvl88 tanks and healers party, no tactics noticed...

FAMILIAR SURGEONS:I fought these guys on Mercenary with a lvl88 tanks and healer party, no tactics noticed...

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:32 pm
by C-K'R[PhoEniX]
Thanks, this might come in handy.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:35 am
by DarkDain
Now do BW bosses. BW promised us bosses who were smarter and more challenging, bosses you couldn't beat just standing still and shoot them. I think I proved them liars ^^ Will have to check again, some bosses were close.