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Death count

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:19 pm
by cessLche
Is it normal that my character dies A LOT, and I mean A lot. I have a death count of 250+ and I'm a conqueror. (lol) Is it just the game? or my character being weak?... tell me please!

conqeror lvl 43- legendary-greece (just starting)

helm:helm of troy (blue)
Rings:gladiator's creed-one of the set (violet)
brimstone ring (blue)
boots: greaves of troy (blue)
Gloves: gloves of troy (blue)
Amulet: -forgot-
Weapons: Onager-axe (blue)
a green named sword with ups

please tell me? can i survive the first leagues of legendary or am I gonna make another character? or farm runs perhaps?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:23 pm
by Siberys
Definitely a bit low in level for Legendary, and your stats/equipment might not be the best if you've got 250 deaths on you.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:27 pm
by cessLche

I knew i was too early for legendary... lol
What level do you recommend me to start legendary quessts?

Thanx anyway!

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:35 pm
by Siberys
Depends on your build and your equipment (namely the forgotten amulet stats).

I've been able to start Legendary at level 40 in Immortal Throne with some builds, and others it took me until level 60 to get to Legendary. Masteries aren't always balanced perfectly even though at the end of them most are pretty fairly even, which is unfortunate because it means you can screw yourself by getting bad parts of the two masteries you can have.

Also, I hate to say this, but most Epic and Legendary (Blue and violet) items are worthless when compared to a decent Rare (green) item with a full relic in it. I've had an Epic weapon at one point and a Rare weapon that do just about the same amount of damage, but when I put a full relic to increase attack speed into the Rare item, it made it a helluva lot more powerful.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:50 am
by V3Z0W
:laugh: 250+ Wow, well u can say if u were 2 early in legendary, by looking at how u finished normal and epic. If u died every once in a while, that means, u can pretty much handle it. If u died mostly in legendary, or when u fought Typhon, or other strong Boss Monsters, and got punched countless times, that means u should improve ur character, because u ain't ready 4 legendary. Also, 43 is indeed low for that difficulty, u must be quite a good player, if u only die, let's say 1 or 2 times a region that has a Hero Monster, but if u generally die more than this, u just got there 2 early.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:33 am
by cessLche
L O L I did die countless times... I was rushing to legendary difficulty only to find it stupid. . .

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:41 am
by cessLche
One more thing, 250 deaths all happened in titan quest core (orginal-v 1.01) T_T I bought an expansion last week. Was v1.01 a little imbalance??? Cuz now I'm in legendary with my new conqueror lvl 41, I only died 15 times. Was the reason my character suffered a lot of deaths before because of titan quest v1.01* or me being a noob?

I know it's pointless asking these questions...but I want to know.

*I think v1.01 has so many glitches like: my defense before was 404, when I installed the expansion it doubled to 800+, and my damage too improved quite a lot.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:56 am
by Claudius
I know that the armor of troy which drops in normal Olympus is not the gear you need for legendary. By legendary you should have farmed epic and got some purple gear or decent greens (for epic).

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:42 am
by Uvinity
Wait a minute. You're saying that you have a lvl 43 conquerer with whom you have died >250 times. Dude that's a lot. But the thing I found strange is that you're saying that you then made another char wich is a conquerer again and that you're lvl 41 in legendary and died about 15 times.

Well let me give you one advice.


That is the only thing I would like to say to you. Imo the only way to experience a game in a good way is when you are a least on a decend level where you can kill the enmemies and don't die a milion times. When I played TQ I had a char wich was on lvl 35 when I killed normal typhon for the first time. with that char I'm now in greece on legendary and he is now around lvl 60 (I haven't got any expansion installed at the moment). You could say that that is just a little bit high, but I really like it to kill enemies with some speed.

Good luck farming.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:16 pm
by jeffmartis
Farming? not a cheat, but still...

In the original TQ I died107 times by the time I finished epic mode, 60 of those deaths were completing level 1 in regular mode.

In the TQIM doing Greece, Egypt, and most of Baylonia, I have only died 3 times and am Level 28. I don't "farm" because to me while it might not be an out and out cheat, its still playing the game in a way that was probably not intended (although I do admit I can't read the dev's mind.) Also, while I admit its ludicrous to apply the real world to a fantasy swords and sorcery game, in a "real life" setting of an RPG player starting of in Helos Greece you could only kill that monster 1 time and collect his treasures one time. You could NOT enter a "time warp" and go back and kill him numerous times to glean better weapons from better "dice rolls" on the treasure chest items. I can't swear to it and have no proof, but it seems that the drops in IM are much more frequent, and the extra weapon buff you get from the recipe things add a whole new dimension to your attacks. I definitely get more relic drops in this game than the original, playing the greece and egyption scenarios.

I mean, be fair, whats the difference between killing the BOSS 50 times and opening that Majestic chest 50 times and/or using some type of item/character/custom quest cheat to get ultra weapons? Thety are all a cheat of one type or another. The game devs should NOT allow a save and then let you go back and kill that monster and loot its chest again. The game would be much more better balanced if you could only do it the one time.

Having said that though I do admit that if you are playing "fair and square" and someone else is cheating by like making ultra weapons in custom quest and then transferring them to the regular game, it forces you to cheat" just in order to be on an even keel with them. I guess if the other guy is cheating, then you cheating is really not cheating, or is it cheating still cheating regardless?

If you understood that last question, then maybe you could post it back and explain to me!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:53 pm
by Zane
Dang, lvl 43 in Legendary... Yeah you're surely rushing it :laugh:
Take it slow and enjoy the scenery :D

I just started a Templar and I reached level 40 today in Epic act 2, I got there in about 20 hours and I havent died one single time though :)
I take my time to do every secondary quest and explore every cave/dungeon I can find...
Templars are extraordinary survivors but I really cant complain about the damage output either!
I ball up 2-3 groups around me, hit Distort Reality with Temporal Rift to freeze em and then hack away to some rock tunes from the 80's, 50-60% of em are already dead before they come out of the timefreeze dealy!

Just gonna take it slow and see how far I can get without dying, hopefully I'll reach Legendary but I know those generals in Hades are gonna be nasty in Epic.

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:16 am
by Zane
I finally met my impending doom in Fayum Desert, got whopped by the sphinx down the large cave...
I didnt even have a fighting chance he just raped my 3.5k health in a split second with some super uber lightning beam :laugh:

(I wonder if ppl are still reading the TQ forum or am I the only one still laying this game? :laugh :)

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:00 pm
by Salidin54
I still play and I think I've died about 100 times between all my characters, 60+ of them on the file I was playing on my desktop which can barely play Oblivion and 30+ of them on the character I used when I first started playing the game.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:45 pm
by Sain
Well, I lost all my characters, but I remember my brigand having died 58 times by epic Athens, my conqueror still being zero at epic Orient