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close combat necro

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:27 pm
by Invisable Man
i feel i must be unique and so i chose to try and make a close combat necro which will probebly just suck but if anyone wants to put in any insight on how i should make it id love to hear it :)

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:44 pm
by Caden
A melee necro is viable. I suppose there are two main ways of going about it. The first and most obvious is to create a necro that uses his Poison Dagger skill. This is actually pretty effective.

The other option, that is more slow, but still fun if you're into melee necros, is to just equip a powerful two-handed weapon, like an etheral spear with the 'breath of the dying' runeword, and boosting your damage with the Amplify Damage or Decrepify curse. Although, you may be looking into one of the scythe weapons, as most necros would.

You would also probably want to max out Bone Armor and its synergies. And Dim Vision will probably be what allows you to take on hordes of enemies. In fact, with a high level of Dim Vision, you probably won't have much difficulty playing as a melee-necro, but you still wouldn't kill as fast as other melee classes.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:56 am
by Dottie
While [url=""]this[/url] is not the kind of build you are looking for I still recommend anyone interested in a melee necro to read this. It's a tale of a very unusual necro build but it contains a lot of tips on how to handle packs of monsters as a necro.

It's also an entertaining read. :)