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help for candle keep

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 4:55 pm
by balin
i need a bit of help ! i've been trying to get into candle keep but seem to need a book of some sorts,i tried the tome of leadership but that doesn't get me in.
does any one know what book i need and how to get it ????

theanks a heap !

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 10:17 pm
by ReignsOfPower
Later on in the game, following chapter 4 I think it was (after clockwood quest) you go to Baldur's Gate.
There you talk to Scar and he asks your to investigate the Iron Throne problems.
After you have investigated this tower, go talk to Scar again (some guy will approach you after Iron Throne) and he will give you the tomb of great value. You will be automatically transported tto CandleKeep. :)
Then once you enter go into CandleKeeps library to contioue your journey as the Child Of Bhall!!!!

Hope This Helps :)