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Damage Increased 20% QUESTION

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:49 am
by jeffmartis
I did searching but got too many threads and went through most of them but still wasn't sure.

IF I have a Bow that says 20% damage increase, does it increase just the regular damage (like 60 -100) or if I have other damage Like Pierce 20 and Fire 20 does that get increased 20% as well? I can't tell if my elemental damgae is being increased.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:50 am
by Siberys
Just the regular damage.

There are damage increase percentages for all the other types you listed (+20% Piercing damage, +20% fire damage, +20% elemental damage, etc etc).

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:46 am
by Claudius
In general 20% damage only increases physical damage. But its special with piercing!

A club does 100% physical damage. If you have a club that does 10-100 damage per hit. And you have one ring on that is 10% damage increase. The club will do 11-110 now. Slap on another 10% ring and now you do 12-120 damage.

A bow does 30% piercing and 70% physical damage. With no items a bow dealing 100 damage per hit will deal 30 piercing and 70 physical. Now I believe with 10% damage item it would apply BEFORE the pierce/phys conversion (this is certainly the case with strength and the reason strength is better for bow than dex). So you deal 110 damage with a 10% damage ring and then 33 of that damage is pierce and 77 is physical. In contrast a 10% piercing ring would allow you to do 33 piercing and 70 physical.

I am not sure about the before and after thing. But I am 100 positive that strength applies BEFORE the damage is converted to pierce.

% total damage is the best of all. It boosts damage BEFORE pierce conversion AND after it is converted too. It also boosts fire, lightning, electrical burn, and ALL damage sources.