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Is the new Diablo 3 Version better than Blizzard's?

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:56 am
by rolandd
I am so excited about Diablo 3 and it is just soooo hard to wait for it. The screenshots are simply amazing but I guess they just weren't up to expectations for some of the fans, so they made some a few adjustments.

Blizzard didn't really like the new images and explained why, but they should really consider the fans in such a decision, for we are the ones who will be playing it. A poll was made of it, asking which version is better, so help the decision making by voicing your personal opinion on the poll here: Poll: Which version of art / style / atmosphere would you prefer for the final version of Diablo 3? - gaming survey. Hopefully
they would take into consideration what we prefer. Majority counts.

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:38 am
by Siberys
Blizzard didn't really like the new images and explained why, but they should really consider the fans in such a decision, for we are the ones who will be playing it.
Except it's as he says, there's a huge difference between photoshopping a pretty picture into a prettier one and creating that on a 3D engine. If they tried it, they might come close in texturing, but it would turn out awful as not all the lighting and shading would work right, thus creating glitches and really weird coloring.

For example, Bethesda did this with their game Morrowind. In balmora and nearly any city, you can see people standing on a rooftop but with their shadows against the lower side of the house (normally physically impossible), but that's because they tried to mess with shadowing based on the sun's position in game IIRC.

Not to mention, with the new color scheme, it is really hard to tell say the witch doctor from a zombie aside from when he's casting spells. I know the camera would be centered on you, but still, it's not in good taste to blend everything like that.

I would rather have a foggy and vibrant jungle than a dark rainy gothic jungle, because there's realism, and then there's something cool looking and quite frankly I'm sick to death of eye candy. That's not what gaming is about and the people who did the photoshopping clearly no longer have an idea what gaming is about.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:15 pm
by Salidin54
In a recent interview one of the lead game designers said that they didn't like the old dark gothic style because the mosnters just blended in too well. In D2 they used a darker art style because they had very well defined monsters and the graphics were good/bad enough that they could be easily seen. With the new technology we have with graphics makes it hard to distiguish monster that's not moving vs. a pile of rocks or a tree.

p.s. Diablo is a Blizzard game and it will always be one so the thread title should be "Is the new Diablo 3 Version better than the old Version?", unless I missunderstood it.