Farming 101
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:31 pm
I would like to compile a list of resources and information about farming.
Rules: do not post things like "I found a club of anhilation from a skeleton on the road to Tagea". It is random for such a club to drop on a skeleton so that is a useless piece of information. We need practical things such as "polyphemus drops clubs". Which is a good piece of information because it is not random (he always drops clubs)
First a disclaimer...I am not the titanquest expert I am just making a post and I hope more people will add information or correct me where I am in error.
Random: The loot is random which means there are NO placed items in titanquest. So if you are looking for thorny maul it is a BAD question to ask "where is it located?" It is random nobody knows when it will drop for you.
Rationally Random: however as mentioned in the Polyphemus example he is known to drop unique clubs so that is a good place to look for a club! There is more information about drops. If I recall correctly items have various descriptors telling where they can be found. It is sensitive to the level of your character (I believe) and also to the difficulty: normal, epic, and legendary.
Currently I don't have information atm about mobs chances of drops (well maybe some Monster Infrequent MI is thing like deathweaver equip ie special green equip that drops from special monsters). I do know some generic common sense things about farming mobs. The more monsters you kill the better and the faster you kill them the better. For this reason I feel the portal from Parnassus all the way to the Gorgons is a good farming run because there is tons of enemies and they are humanoid so they drop gear (turtles, non-humanoid spiders, yeti, for example do not drop weapons and armor...but they DO guard bone piles and they DO drop monster charms).
Also the speed of the run makes a difference. You are hitting the first telchine thats not a bad run because there is a lot of monsters but its not efficient for actually hitting the telchine because it takes a long time (from the portal not talking the rebirth fountain). So the second telchine is better.
The chance of drops is different at each boss as well. For that purpose if I can figure out how to add an attachment (crossing fingers) I will add that...
The data is for legendary difficulty. However I assume some of the trends will hold for epic and normal, but that is just speculation. It is also a list of chances for unique items. I am not sure if it is purple items only or if it also includes blue. In any case I think higher 'items found per hour', one of the things evaluated, will be a good thing to pay attention to; high items/hour is going to be more of both blue and purple.

I will add more when I get around to it. Please feel free to contribute!
Try the photobucket link. It is higher resolution than the attachment (and the low res attachment will disappear when I find out how to edit my attachments)
Rules: do not post things like "I found a club of anhilation from a skeleton on the road to Tagea". It is random for such a club to drop on a skeleton so that is a useless piece of information. We need practical things such as "polyphemus drops clubs". Which is a good piece of information because it is not random (he always drops clubs)
First a disclaimer...I am not the titanquest expert I am just making a post and I hope more people will add information or correct me where I am in error.
Random: The loot is random which means there are NO placed items in titanquest. So if you are looking for thorny maul it is a BAD question to ask "where is it located?" It is random nobody knows when it will drop for you.
Rationally Random: however as mentioned in the Polyphemus example he is known to drop unique clubs so that is a good place to look for a club! There is more information about drops. If I recall correctly items have various descriptors telling where they can be found. It is sensitive to the level of your character (I believe) and also to the difficulty: normal, epic, and legendary.
Currently I don't have information atm about mobs chances of drops (well maybe some Monster Infrequent MI is thing like deathweaver equip ie special green equip that drops from special monsters). I do know some generic common sense things about farming mobs. The more monsters you kill the better and the faster you kill them the better. For this reason I feel the portal from Parnassus all the way to the Gorgons is a good farming run because there is tons of enemies and they are humanoid so they drop gear (turtles, non-humanoid spiders, yeti, for example do not drop weapons and armor...but they DO guard bone piles and they DO drop monster charms).
Also the speed of the run makes a difference. You are hitting the first telchine thats not a bad run because there is a lot of monsters but its not efficient for actually hitting the telchine because it takes a long time (from the portal not talking the rebirth fountain). So the second telchine is better.
The chance of drops is different at each boss as well. For that purpose if I can figure out how to add an attachment (crossing fingers) I will add that...
The data is for legendary difficulty. However I assume some of the trends will hold for epic and normal, but that is just speculation. It is also a list of chances for unique items. I am not sure if it is purple items only or if it also includes blue. In any case I think higher 'items found per hour', one of the things evaluated, will be a good thing to pay attention to; high items/hour is going to be more of both blue and purple.

I will add more when I get around to it. Please feel free to contribute!
Try the photobucket link. It is higher resolution than the attachment (and the low res attachment will disappear when I find out how to edit my attachments)